Saved~ Liam dunbar

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This is a request imagine for imagine_teewolfs thank you for requesting!

Jackie's POV 
Theo was currently going on about how much he hated Scott and how he wanted I get rid of him.

"Why don't you just leave him alone?" I asked. He turned to look at me with a glare.

"Did you really just say that" he said taking a step towards me. When Theo gets mad he gets physical. 

"Theo calm down I'm just asking a question" I said cowering in fear.

"No! You don't get to ask questions like that" he said and slapped me across the face.

I fell to the ground as I put my hand on my cheek. He shouldn't be hitting me his baby sister. I'm not a chimera like him I can feel pain.

I quickly got up and walked to the door of his bedroom and opening it I run to my room and lock the door. He can get in anytime he wants he can use his super strength to break the door.

I just want to see Liam and the rest of the pack. They treat me nicely when I met them they treated me like family. That's why I don't want Theo to hurt Scott.

I got ready for bed because I made my mind. I'm going to tell Scott about Theo and his plans.
~~~Time skip to the morning~~~

I finished getting ready and walked out the door to Theo's car. I ride with him every morning since I'm still in my freshmen year.

"Look I'm sorry about what I did yesterday" Theo said looking at me.

"It's fine don't worry about it" I said so that I didn't have to talk to him more. I know he didn't mean any of that he just wants me to stay on his side and make sure I don't ruin his plan.

When we reach the school I quickly get out the car and go to my locker and get the books I'll be needing out.

"Hey Jackie" I immediately recognized that voice as Liam's.

"Hey Liam how's it going?" I asked trying to keep calm.

" it's been okay. Are you alright? you seem a bit off today" he said trying to look me in the eye but I was just not having it.

"I'm fine Liam there nothing you have to worry about. Can you do me a favor and tell the pack to meet me in mrs. Jackson's class room I need to tell you guys something important" I said getting nervous if Theo finds out what I'm going to do he will kill me.

"Sure I'll let them all know see you there in a few" he said starting to walk but I stopped him.

"Don't tell Theo" he looked at me oddly before saying okay and leaving to go tell the others.

I walked towards the locker room and stood by a couple lockers that were facing the door.

"Well well well what are you doing in here Jackie" Theo says as he walked through the door.

"I'm u-um I'm just waiting for someone" I said which was true

"I know what you're about to do Jackie" he said which made me scared.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said I can feel my heart beating really fast. I'm pretty sure he heard it.

"How far did you think you'll go with this" he said and stepped closer to me.

"I can't just let you kill someone innocent" I told him

"I'll do what I have to do to keep us alive" Theo yelled.

"That's the thing you're only keeping yourself alive" I screamed back.

He lunged at me and started to hit me with so much anger. Where is the pack? They should be here by now.

I tried to defend myself by kicking my legs until I hit him in the stomach. I quickly got up to get distance between the both of us. When I was up  everything started to move I had a terrible headache.

I looked around for something I could use to keep him away from me. There was nothing in sight I'll have to try my best at defending myself.

Theo tries to tackle me to the ground but I move to the side. I kick him in the back and push him to the ground.

"I'm going to tell them someway. What you're going to do is a terrible thing and I can't let that happen" I told Theo but he pushed me away from him with a big force. My back slammed into a couple of lockers I couldn't get back up the impact was too much for me to handle.

As Theo stood above me I was sure I wasn't going to make it out alive. Before he could do anything else the door burst open and Liam runs in.

"Step away from her" he said as his eyes start to glow.

Theo turned to look at him and took out his claws before letting out a loud growl.

Scott rushed into the room to fight Theo. I need to tell them.

"Liam Liam" I called out I tried getting up but it was useless.

"Jackie" Liam said and rushed toward me.

"Are you okay? How bad does it hurt?" He asked me.

"I'll be fine but you have to stop Theo he wants to kill Scott" I told him.

"Don't with everything is going to be fine" he said and picked me up to take me out of the locker room.

Before we walked out I saw Scott and Malia fighting Theo. Theo looked really beaten up it looks like he's going to lose any second.

Liam took me to stiles' jeep where Lydia and stiles where already at.

"How are you feeling now?" Liam asked me as he took my hair away from my face.

"I'm feeling better but what about Scott Theo wants to kill him. We have to help him" I said starting freak out.

"Shhh don't worry  about it Scott will be fine" he said looking me in the eyes and slowly leaning in.

As our lips connected I felt as if I had butterflies in my stomach. When we both pulled away Liam had his hand on my cheek.

" Jackie I have loved you for a while now I was too afraid to tell you because I thought you would never have feelings for me" he said still looking me in the eyes.

"I love you too Liam so much" I said with a smile.

I hope you like it imagine_teewolfs it was hard writing it because I love Theo but I'm proud of how it turned out and I had fun writing it. Hope you have a wonderful day!

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