Yellow Sun

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Krypton-2, the sister planet of Krypton a secret from Krypton because of a nasty civil war over Krypton-2's natural black kryptonite that Krypton wanted. Krypton-2 died on the same day as Krypton.

I watched as the stars flew in front of me and my hands in front of me. I closed my eyes and tried to relax but I felt a pull on my back. I slowly turned my head and saw Earth and now I'm falling towards it. I felt myself enter the atmosphere and I felt my clothes catch on fire but it didn't burn in the least bit now I knew for sure this planet has a yellow sun. It will give me powers I won't understand or know how to use. I've never seen anything so blue and beautiful at the same time. 

Black Kryptonite ✕ Kara Danvers[1]Where stories live. Discover now