End Game

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"I'm resenting the timeline." I tell Barry, he had come to Elliot's funeral along with the rest of Team Flash and Team Arrow even a Harrison Wells from another Earth that they called HR. He sat there and made jokes that weren't funny although out his ceremony until I snapped at him to show some respect.

"Kara, I don't think you can do that." Barry said as he folds his arms over his chest.

"Why? You've brought back your mother right?" I ask him.

"I did but for Elliot it's not that simple. Before he died Elliot became a real speedster with the Speed Force." Barry explained to me.

"That's why he was sick." I say to myself quietly thinking of the times where he had nosebleeds and coughed up blood.

"The Speed Force literally ate his kryptonian powers and replaced it with the Speed Force making him faster than ever." Barry told me as it starts to drizzle. I open my umbrella and hold it over me and Barry's head seeing that he didn't have one.

"I want him back." I tell Barry. I stare at Elliot's grave as raindrops fell on the new, smooth stone that his name had been carved in. A breach opens right above the grave and a man in a black suit flies out onto the grave which smashes it. We all stare as the man looks up, he has on Elliot's dark speedster suit. He takes off his mask that covers his face. It is Elliot.

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