4: the actual hitler of the internet wants to apologize to me?

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It was five hours after you sent the last dm. You didn't expect the follow, but you got one. You smiled to yourself. After a year of trying to get even noticed, he followed you. You were at work probably shouldn't be on your phone, but you had to check Twitter.

"Y/n!" You hear the voice of your boss behind you. You quickly hid your phone in the pocket of your jeans and smiled at her.

"What's up?"

"What the hell are you doing? There are three tables waiting to be served." Your boss, Katherine, seemed upset. You work as a waitress at a local pizza shop in Seattle, and it's usually pretty busy. You sighed and gave Katherine another (fake) smile, then went to actually do your job.

small three hour time skip

Leafy: Hey, your bio said you live in Seattle. If it's actually true, could we meet up so I can say I'm sorry in person? I feel like a dick

y/n: wait, is that a joke??

Leafy: I might be a sarcastic asshole, but I don't do that to my fans

y/n: no why would i want to meet you kys fag.

y/n: okay sorry that was a bad joke. i'm just kinda freaking out rn. we can meet at the pizza place i work at. it's called [insert name]. i'm off tomorrow at 7:00 pm :)

Leafy: See you there wannabe


this is so late, the last time i updated was literally like a week ago, but eh here :)
(for anyone who's actually reading this shitty ass fanfic)

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