16: staring competitions

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You stepped away from Calvin and averted your eyes as the fangirl rushed over to him.

"Can we take a picture?" She asked, practically stuttering.

"Uh... sure?" He said. You looked at them again, but their voices trailed off as you sat back down at the booth. You didn't want to let anyone know that you were dating; it would cause trouble for both Calvin and you. Calvin smiled and talked to her some more, then posed for the photo. As Calvin walked away, the girl traced him with her eyes, then stared directly at you. She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms, giving you that "don't even speak to him" look. You looked away, semi-terrified.

"Jesus Christ, that girl wanted to know everything. Why I was here, who you were, why I wasn't making a video or on twitter, etcetera." Calvin said, rolling his eyes. You tried to shake off the fact that you just got your first indirect death threat, and smiled.

"Fans like those must be hard to deal with. I mean, I was a fan like that, but still. I realized now that you have an actual life." You laughed.  Calvin laughed too, but the kind of laugh where his eyes close, and his nose wrinkles up. You felt your cheeks heat up immediately, along with your stomach, and basically everywhere. His laugh was the best thing. As in, it sounded like literal angels welcoming you to heaven. He leaded back against the booth cushion and sipped his latte, noticing that you were staring. He stared back, daring you to look away first. You narrowed your eyes and smirked, willing yourself not to. He looked away first, but only because he choked from drinking his coffee too fast. You both laughed some more, until Calvin stood up.

"Where are you going?" You frowned.

"No, it's where are we going. If that's okay with you." He's added. You sighed in relief, glad he wasn't leaving you.

"Yeah. Let's go." You said, grabbing your backpack and mocha.

"I thought we'd do something today. I need to film a new video, but regardless, we can still have fun together." He said as he intertwined his fingers with yours. You looked down at his hand, examining every one of his long, thin fingers. God, that sounds creepy, but he does have really nice hands.

"What are we going?" You asked.

"Well... it's fall. There's like... apple picking, and haunted houses, and shit like that." He said, blushing just a bit. You smiled and tapped your lips, thinking.

"Let's go apple picking!"

well this is late.
sorry for not updating for like a month, i've been dealing with a lot and have been very busy.
(no, this is not me saying "oh i've been depressed so i can't update" because that excuse is overused and annoying)
anyway, thanks for reading :)

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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