15: hipsters

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You woke up in an uncomfortable position with your legs tangled up in your sheets and your hair in knots. Groaning, you sat up and checked your phone, at first for the time, but also checking to see if you received any texts from Calvin. You didn't get any yet.

You dragged yourself out of bed and into the bathroom, a smile drifting on your face as you remembered last night. The food, the lights, the piggyback rides, and him. There was nothing better than that.

You took a quick shower and by the time you were done, Calvin had texted you and tweeted: "NEW SWEET AND SOUR VIDEO UP IN THRITY MINUTES".

calvin🌿: Good morning beautiful :)

you: gross, you sound like an eighth grade boy going through puberty. but good morning to you too

calvin🌿: Jfc, someone's bitter. What did I do wrong?? :(

you: not bitter, just a concerned girlfriend. did you stay up all night working on the video?

calvin🌿: How did you find out?


calvin🌿: Sorry. Can I get you a coffee to make up for it?

you: i'd rather have you just sleep, and there's nothing to apologize to me for, but...i'll meet you at starbucks in twenty minutes. don't be late ;)

After hitting the send button, you automatically turned off your phone and went to get dressed. As you opened your bedroom window to feel what the weather would be like, you were surprised by the cold air. The breeze felt cool and nice on your face, and the air smelled like... fall. You ran over to your closet and found one a sweater buried in the back. It was boxy and a beige color. You tried it on with some black jeans and boots. You looked in the mirror and frowned. The sweater was slightly baggy, but considering the weather today, it would be fine. You twisted your hair up into a bun (or just left it down if you have short hair) and grabbed a small backpack full of money and other things, then grabbed your car keys and headed to Starbucks.

You arrived five minutes early, but Calvin was already there on his laptop. He looked up at you smiled, sliding out of the booth.

"You're not too mad at me, right?" He said, sucking in air through his teeth.

You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms.

"How many red bulls did you drink?"

Calvin laughed and sat down, pulling you into the booth.

"I'll go order, what do you want?" He asked.

"A grande mocha would be nice." As soon as you said the word "mocha", Calvin's face scrunched up.

"Chocolate is nasty." He said.

"It is not!" You argued, laughing at the way his face looked. It was exactly like how it was in his face cam videos. That's what you loved about him; he isn't fake online at all.

"Whatever." He yawned, getting up and walking away to order. You watched him with a smile, and hopped out of the booth to wait next to him for your drinks.

"Oh my god, are you leafy?" Screeched a high-pitched voice. You looked in the direction of it, and it was coming from behind the counter. A barista with short pink hair looked directly at Calvin, ignoring you.

"Oh lord," you whispered. "a fangirl."


NO, this is not katie. stop your thoughts rIght tHere, because katie isn't walking oNe fOot into this fanfic with her body pillow and boxes of water (even though ngl she's cute af).

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