14: cliche dates and pretty lights

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"Can you at least give me a hint?" You asked pouting as Calvin opened the passenger door for you.

"No. Can you wait five minutes?" He said, slamming the door once you got in.

You sighed and watched as Calvin got in. There was a grin on his face, but you crossed your arms and narrowed your eyes.

"I'll bring #NoChin back." You said, meaning it as a joke at first, but actually considering doing it.

"Jesus Christ, anything but that." He started the car surprisingly quick, and within three seconds you were driving down your neighborhood.

It took about twenty minutes until you came to a stop. You looked around, surprised. You were at a park. Not the kind that kids play at, but the pretty kind, with flowers and trees everywhere.

You looked around in confusion until Calvin got out of the car and opened your door.

"Just follow me." He said, waiting until you got out. You walked into the center of the park until Calvin stopped walking and tapped his phone. A second later, the park was filled with light. You looked at the assortment of fairy lights hanging in the trees around you in astonishment, turning to Calvin with a huge grin.

"This is amazing!" You said, looking around some more. You were standing in the center of a few trees, and there were a few colorful blankets beneath you. There was a large picnic basket sitting in the corner.

"It's cliche as shit, but..." Calvin looks at this feet to avoid eye contact.

"No, it's sweet. I love it." You said as Calvin tapped another button on his phone and your favorite song came on.

"Didn't I tell you this was my favorite song at the concert we went to half a year ago? How did you remember?" You asked. These past few days have been more than amazing. If it wasn't for a few problems on the goddamn internet, they would have been perfect.

"I remember things like these." Calvin said, opening the picnic basket.

After you ate, you decided to go for a walk around the park.

"Get on my back." He commanded.

"What?" You laughed.

"I want to give you a piggy back ride!" He said, smiling and blushing.

"I wearing a dress, you perv." You said. But after a few moments, you climbed on his back anyway.

"Are you sure no one can see?" You asked nervously.

"Yeah, no ones going to be going to be the park at 9:00 at night."

"Still." You said, ducking your head down and kissing his cheek.

The rest of the night was... magical? Impeccable? Flawless? You didn't know how to describe it, but it was great. It's was nearly 12:00 am when you left. When Calvin dropped you off at your house, you didn't want him to go. You never wanted him to go, but this time was different.

"I'll really, really miss you." You murmured, unlocking your door.

"I'll text you when I wake up, and we can do something tomorrow." He said. His tone suggested that it should be obvious, but still. You tried to think of a way to word it, but nothing came out.

"Okay. See you tomorrow then." You leaned in for a quick kiss, but quickly got pulled into a long one.

You took a shower and tried to fall asleep, but you were too caught up thinking about Calvin.


oh boy, i'm just killing it with the late updated!

I'll try to upload at least once a week from now on.

regardless, thanks you all for being patient xx

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