7: texts at 1:00 a.m

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You walked out to your car and sighed. What the hell just happened?

You just met your idol, the pinecone you've been looking up to since you were fifteen. And he called you chill. And he gave you his phone number. You bit on your lip and tried to replay the last few hours in your head. You grabbed your phone, hoping for a text, but the only one you got was from Ella.

ella💫: How did the rest of your date go ;)
you: i already told you, it wasn't a date. stfu.
ella💫: Sure. What's his name?? I need information!
you: calvin vail. formally known as leafy
ella💫: Ooo, the youtuber you won't shut up about? Wait, I thought he made fun of you. You little hoe.
you: it's not like that! he was actually apologizing.
ella💫: Hmm. Tell me all about it at school on Monday. See you then, bye!

By the end of the conversation, you were left laughing. You started up your car and drove home.


You couldn't sleep. You just kept thinking about him. It was 1:24 when you decided to text him.

you: i know you're up pinecone. can you talk?

you waited anxiously until your phone lit up at 1:32.

calvin🌿: I'm uploading another video atm, it would be nice to talk to someone again. I've been pretty stressed lately.
you: it's only been a few hours since we last talked
calvin🌿: Still...
calvin🌿: Wow, it's already done uploading. Go watch and like ;)
you: already on it, f-ing degenerate
you: okay this is really random but i kinda miss you already, can we do something together tomorrow??

You screamed after you hit send. Literally. You had to shove a pillow in your mouth to cover the sound. Why would you send something like that? You dragged yourself out of bed and splashed your face with cold water. You were blushing a deep scarlet.

calvin🌿: Jfc, fangirls.
calvin🌿: There's this music festival I've been wanting to go to tomorrow. It starts at 5:30 p.m, want to come?

You blushed an even deeper red, and your heart skipped a beat. Your hands were basically shaking, yet you managed to pick up your phone and type.

you: i'd love too :)
pick me up at 4:30. see you tomorrow fag
calvin🌿: See you tomorrow fangirl


for anyone who's interested or cares, i think i'm going to actually introduce myself.
i'm roby, and i really really really love a certain messy haired cyberbully.
i also really really really love everyone reading this rn, and i'd love you more if you've voted for a chapter at any point, but still thanks to everyone :)

My Cyberbully ⇏ LeafyIsHereDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora