Growing Pains

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A/N: I don't know how to write movie scripts fml

Maybe reading the scene for the first time wasn't the best idea right before filming it but what can I say? I was distracted by a game I recently got on my phone and if I had been reviewing my lines then who would clear dungeons and save princesses?

EDMUND approaches several seated ladies, all of which show interest in him by batting eyelashes or blowing kisses. EDMUND spots THERESA further down the line up and picks up his pace. Once in front of THERESA, EDMUND bows and kisse--Finished that scene already.

I flip ahead, scanning the page until I spot a vaguely familiar name. NICHOLAS is printed in black ink, standing out between the THERESAs and EDMUNDs rather roughly. I can't recall meeting up with the actor that plays Nicholas but considering the amount of rude people I'd already met on set I wasn't surprised.

Sorry if I'm interrupting, I just saw your absolutely stunning features and knew I had to dance with you. Do you mind?

NICHOLAS looks at EDMUND briefly. EDMUND splutters in response. THERESA offers up a smile and her free hand to NICHOLAS. EDMUND is left behind.


I mind very much, thanks for asking.

NICHOLAS and THERESA sway to the sound of the violin.


Your dress is gorgeous by the way, it really brings out your eyes.

THERESA laughs.


I don't think I got your name.


That's the point.

NICHOLAS spins THERESA and lets go of her hand. When THERESA turns back around NICHOLAS is no where to be seen.

Basically, look like you're having a fun time dancing with Tia and wait until some asshole interrupts and then start blathering like a fool, gotcha.

"Everyone, places!" On cue the lights dimmed slightly to give off the castle ballroom vibe and people scrambled into action. Someone gestured me to where Tia stood in her floral grandma furniture gown that flared out a foot around her. 

I wasn't sure how well I could dance while being engulfed by Pac-Man but it was definitely worth a shot. Once the minor adjustments were finished they had me step up to Tia, making sure to stand the way the dance instructors had taught me.

I'm sure it would be impossible to step on Tia's feet considering there was a guy that was going around with a tape measurer to make sure we were at least a certain distance away from each other because dancing close together was pretty risque. Especially with the small heels I was sporting right now, no way I'd even want to get close enough to accidentally jab my heel into her foot, even though it'd be pretty funny.

"Quiet on set!" Someone shouted, quickly repeated in an even louder voice by what I assumed was their assistant. Soon absolute silence could be heard all around, I wasn't sure if have the crew was even breathing.

"Scene where Nicholas introduces himself." The director clarified to anyone who wasn't sure. I only had one line in this part and I'm really glad because I don't think I could handle dancing and talking at the same time.

The director mentioned getting some different camera angles afterwards just to set the scene even better, the usual.

"Ready? Cameras!" I straighten my posture up considerably just before the cameras started rolling to play into my character more. Edmund seemed extremely straight-laced and polite all around, I was surprised to be recommended for the role in the beginning.

Tia and I try hard to keep neutral expressions when a camera guy glides by for a couple second pan before the guy that plays Nicholas enters the scene.

"Nicholas enter." The director cued, throwing up some fingers in a count down. They had set it up so my back and Lia would be what he saw when he approached which made sense with the script so I wasn't complaining.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting," A silky smooth voice interupted my train of thought. "I just saw your absolutely stunning features and knew I had to dance with you."

It felt like someone had dumped a newly melted iceberg down the back of my shirt, I probably looked like a mix of a fish gasping for water and person who just witnessed a murder.

Nicholas stood tall, proper and he had his hair combed back oddly but it didn't quite take away from his beauty. He wore a midnight blue suit with a a couple frills here and there but all of that was not the point, his pale skin and emerald eyes had me wanting to stick scissors in my eye sockets just so I would have to look at Michael Clifford's face ever again.

"Do you mind?" The man that stood in front of me asked, cool and collect while I was ready to fall apart at the seams.

With a dry mouth, I watched him and Lia walk away. It was a miracle when I managed to choke out my one line. "I mind very much, thanks for asking."

What made it worse, Michael actually looked good. Better then he normally did, he didn't have large black bags under his eyes or his uniform displeased look. Sure, he was in character for the first time I saw him in person in months, but he was basically glowing.

"We'll move to the next scene in a couple minutes." The director announced and everyone went their seperate ways.

To Luke: What does a baby look like after a minute in the microwave?

From Luke: What the fuck Cal

To Luke: Idk I close my eyes when I masturbate.

From Luke: I laughed but what the fuck Cal

From Luke: What's wrong?

From Luke: You haven't told me a joke in months.

From Luke: Cal?

To Luke: I probably still adore him.

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