All You Are is History

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How dare he.

How dare he make me look at him with my own two eyes after the shit he put me through.

I wanted to punch him in the face honestly, the urge to smack him was strong enough that I took a step towards him unintentionally.

God, he looked good in that suit though. I thought that midnight blue would only work as a hair colour on him but with the dark brown hair he was sporting now, the motherfucker could swallow me whole and I would still be head over heels.

I wanted to smack him in the mouth with my lips.

Michael looked over at me then, as if he knew my thoughts were trained on nothing else. He had the audacity to flash a friendly smile at me when we made eye contact, as if we were nothing more than co-stars and this was our first movie together.

As soon as whoever was talking to him had walked away Michael began waltzing towards me. His hair was already springing back into its usual state, an organized mess.

I frowned. How was it that out of all the movies being made at this very moment, I got stuck at the exact one that he was also starring in? I wanted to crease existing if it meant getting away from whatever conversation he intended to start when he made it over to where I stood, barely keeping myself together.

A sly grin snuck onto his lips when he realized I was looking for an escape, like he was a fox stalking a rabbit that had dead ended in a corner set by a chain link fence.

The buffet wouldn't help at all, Michael was closer to it than I was and it wouldn't prevent whatever words were going to come out of his pretty mouth. He didn't look apologetic and all either, more like we'd been fucking and he hadn't seen me in a while.

He had those eyes that whispered bedroom and beware simultaneously. At this point, I was missing soft, sweet Michael more than ever. I liked that lovely pink sweater he wore way more than his leather jacket or the suit he was wearing right now.

"Hey, Cal Pal." He greeted, and even though he was a safe distance away, he continued inching his way towards me. His movements were slow and smooth, leaving me wondering where this new found elegance had come from.

I decided then that I loved my Michaels dorky and easygoing, something that I'd be able to lightly tease someone about. This Michael in front of me was what the wolf in sheep's clothing would look like if he decided he wanted to trick humans next. The wolf would do anything for the next bite.

"Don't 'Hey Cal Pal.' me." I muttered with an eye roll and a smile that practically screamed my unease with the situation.

He looked hurt, but I couldn't even guess if it was real or not. Even off screen, Michael was still acting. He had all these different characters to choose from. From sweet Michael that couldn't hurt a fly and smiled at the scent of flowers to badass Michael that the world knew to this Michael right now, tux on and enough grace to put a ballerina to shame.

He opened his mouth. Before he uttered out whatever lie he'd planned, the right corner of his mouth lifted upwards into a crooked sort of smile. What an odd quirk to notice at a time like this.

"I was wondering," Michael began, smirk coming alive on his lips once again as his hands traced down my arms. "Where have you been?"

I sort of flinched at the contact, it was unintentional, but I was extremely nervous about having Michael so close. Having him acting like he hadn't done anything wrong made me sick.

There was a shout from the left, someone running towards us at practically full speed. My legs nearly gave out when I recognized Luke, coming to save me like he always did.

I'm surprised he didn't even spare a glance at Michael, his ex best friend of nine years, all his focus was on me. He asked if I was okay, if I thought I needed to go home,  all of these questions that made me thankful to be graced with such a friend like Luke.

"Luke," I mumble, as he pulls me away from the colour of midnight blue. "Which Michael is the real one?"

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