The Simile of the Lines

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Our life is a four-lined stanza
The first line is our prelude
The last is where we conclude
The other lines are short and concise
Like our life, not long, just precise

Our love is a four-lined stanza
The first line is attractive
The second looks seductive
But the third line looks forward for the end
The last line is when our hearts start to mend

Our friends is a four-lined stanza
The first line's words are good
The second line's words seems cold
The third line is where the words start to go away
The fourth is where other words decide to stay
Never leaving you hanging at any way

Our youth is a four-lined stanza
The first line feels fresh
The second line seems to mess
The third line is when the whole stanza is but a trash
The fourth lined changes the hash
words clothe with a joyful sash

Everything is but a four-lined strophe
The first we see attraction
The second touches us with our reflection
The third shouts our realization
And the last is our final assumption

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