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Everything I see reminds me of you
Just as how the dandelions flew
Its sweet scent wafted through the summer breeze
As sweet and lovely as your memories in bliss

Your name resounded like the echoes in the valleys
Resounding, resonating 'til I hear no more
It disappeared, proving everything is transitory
You vanished like they did before

I've been living in the outskirts of my past
Reminiscing every bit of memory so it'll last
Silently wishing, praying you'll come back again
Anxiously waiting, hoping you'll take away the pain

Lock me with your embrace
Seal me with your kisses
Look at me like you'll never see me again
Hold me like we're catching our breath

Let's fly through the cosmos of time
Regain every second that felt like a lifetime
Together, me and you
Let's make our wildest dreams come true

A tear escaped from my eye
As I watch the ground which you lie
It's been years since you've died
But I'm still wishing for you to come back

You're the one I've loved
The only thing I have
Now, I've lost my everything 
Along with the vanity of my heart

Let's meet again in our next lives
And continue our happily ever after
Goodbye my love,
I'll be leaving for a living

Poetical Demeanor #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now