Au Revoir (Until we meet again)

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Let me go back in time
Even just five seconds, it's fine
I will just undo mistakes
Let me go back no matter what it takes

5 seconds is life to me
I'll just reclaim thee
The biggest mistake I've done
I let you go and I run

5 seconds ago, I lied
When I said that, I bide
Those moments made you cry
I wish I'll just die

How I wish I could reverse the flow of time
Reverse it and again make you mine
Make me float on cloud nine
5 second reversal is perfectly fine

But I guess time just flow
It just pass by and go
"Going back, says time, won't help you
In the future, undo everything you do

What's past is in the past
What you've done is already the last
But the past can be overwritten
Make better memories today, it'll be forgotten
Taint your future with your lovely hope
Never ever again go back to the past and mope

Every choice leads to another door.
Once you dig the surface, you'll reach the core
Bury the past and never look back
For your past won't stop the clock"

But if we could have another chance
Tell me so we can return those sands
The sands of memories of an hourglass
And return the moments when we stood aghast..

Poetical Demeanor #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now