Chapter three❤️

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~Lexie's POV~
"Lex! Come down please!" Taylor yells from downstairs.
"Coming!" I yell back before exiting my room and running down the stairs.
Once I get downstairs, I don't see Taylor anywhere but soon he appears from coming out of the pantry with this arms full of food.
He plops the food down and pats the stool next to him for me to come and sit at.
"So, how's my lil sister?" Taylor asks as he shoves food in his mouth.
"Good... Are you okay?" I ask worriedly.
"I'm okay. But I have a question..." Taylor says trailing off.
"You are single, right?" Taylor asks as he puts down his food and looks at me seriously.
"Uh- um- kinda- sorta- no..." I say at last.
"Who are you dating!" Taylor asks getting angrier by the second.
"A boy called Jake." I say not looking at him.
"The one that kissed you when you moved back to North Carolina?" Taylor asks as he rage in his voice is still there.
"Y-yes. Yes!" I repeat my word as I stuttered on my first attempt.
"Why?" Taylor asks as looks down.
"Because I love Jake." I say truthfully.
Suddenly, Taylor gets up and slams his hands on the table.
"You love Joey!" Taylor exclaims.
Just his name makes my heart drop, the sound of it makes my heart break.
"No, me and that person were never meant to be." I say and I run up to my room with Taylor chasing me close behind.
As I reach my room, I was about to open the door but Taylor pulled me back.
"I know when there's love." Taylor whispers.
"You are my sister and I want you to make the right choice." He whispers and walks away again.
I go in my room and slide down my door.
I place my head in my hands and all I want to do now is think.
Is Jake really the one?

What happened to us? (Joey Birlem FanFiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now