Case of the Ex

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It had been two months since that kiss and life had been amazing for them.

Maine’s cookbook was already out and is unexpectedly climbing up the bestseller’s list while Café del Rio had recently been featured on the Philippine Star and Mega Magazine that its customer base expanded in the last two weeks after the articles were released. Most specially, both of them were already at a point where they have gotten comfortable with each other that aside from their nightly phone calls and constant Viber and text messaging, that kiss on the cheek became their permanent "see you soon" ritual.
Thursdays became their date night. RJ would pick her up from her office where she worked then they would drive to highly rated hole-in-the-walls they could find around the city and try its best dishes.

Last week, they went all the way to Maginhawa Street in Quezon City, just so they can try out Caution Hot’s spicy noodle soups. RJ suggested it because Maine mentioned her love for laksa and spicy food. And so despite his tongue getting numb from the heat (he ordered the Ultimate Heat-leveled Schezhuan because Maine ordered the same for her Laksa), his shirt drenching in sweat and his whole mestizo face turning as red as the color of his broth, he still soldiered on and finished his bowl of noodles. Maine finished hers first giving herself plenty of time to laugh at RJ as he struggled to finish his meal. The milk tea helped with his numbing tongue but not with his ego. Nevertheless, hearing Maine laugh even at his expense was more than worth it. Knowing he made her laugh like that was always worth it.

With all that had happened so far RJ realized one thing: falling in love with Maine was like biking down a steep hill, mustering enough courage before releasing the brake and taking his foot away from the pedal, giving in to the inevitable descent, not knowing if he'd reach the bottom unscathed. But then there she was waiting down below, ready to catch him just in case he jumped off the bike or pick him up and mend his bruises if he crashed. He recognized that it would always be like this with her. Exhilarating and comforting at the same time and he didn't mind one bit.


This Thursday, they decided to hang out at Café Del Rio to try out RJ’s newest pasta dish for his menu over coffee and cheesecake. Everything was going well. They were laughing, talking about everything and nothing, teasing each other like five year olds. Maine could get used to this . This ironic sense of familiarity, safety and excitement of being with RJ.

Then she happened. Maine saw her first. She looked vaguely familiar.

Then she realized that this gorgeous woman entering the establishment was on one of the print ads in the Mega Magazine edition where RJ’s café was featured. Maine watched as that gorgeous specimen of a human being gracefully pushed the glass door of the cafe and as her dress billowed and her strappy heeled gladiators clacked on the marble floor. She had a beauty that commanded attention. Exhibit A. The moment she stepped in, all heads turned to her direction. Who wouldn’t? Her endless legs and mesmerizing beauty refused to not be noticed.

She seemed to be looking for someone.

She was facing the glass door and RJ was facing Maine. RJ was still talking about how he came up with the name of his dish when he noticed that Maine's shoulders tensed, her back straightened and her eyes widened in what it seemed like recognition. For some reason, Maine suddenly felt antsy. RJ followed the direction of Maine's gaze and he too tensed at what he saw. He covered Maine's hand on the table and held it tightas he stood up and walked behind her chair.

The visitor heard the screech of the chair being pushed against the floor that she turned to the direction of the noise. Her face broke into a huge grin. She found who she was looking for. Maine saw this and cringed, feeling a strange thumping in her chest. In her mind, she's trying to recall if she looked presentable, if she looked decent enough that she wouldn't look too plain next to her. Thank goodness, I had mascara on.

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