Book Launch

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She smiled in front of the mirror in her bedroom as Val finished the final touches of her makeup for her book launch in a few hours. Despite her nervousness, she was quite buzzed because her family will be there, and RJ's too. She was pleasantly surprised that Richard Sr. even asked his son if his family could attend her event and was teary eyed when RJ called to ask her about it.

Months ago, when she accepted the offer to turn her Budget Cuisine Blog into a book, never in her wildest imagination would she think that by the time she'd launch her baby, she'd already have someone in her life who would encourage her to be brave enough to try new things, who would support her no matter what she wanted to do. She never thought there would be someone in her life who would love her so steadfastly, so generously, it scared her that she might not have enough to give back.

He scared her because she never thought she'd be able to love anyone as much as she loves him. It was like standing by the shore with her feet flat on the sand, looking out to the ocean and watching quite triumphantly as the waves try to reach her feet, confident that she stood just far enough away from the water without getting her feet wet. Safe distance, so to speak. Of course she knew it eventually would, but when finally it did, it took her by surprise. Out of the blue, the ocean washed away the sand from beneath her feet and all she was left with was surrender. Because when one finds love this extraordinary, this encompassing, this unconditional, you don't run away, you don't escape. You give in. You close your eyes and take the plunge because no matter how scary it can get, you know a love like this only comes once is a lifetime, maybe even rarer. You know it will always be worth the risk.

"Woi! Yes, Madam? Muntanga ka dyang nakatulalang nakangiti sa salamin. May problema ba ang girlfriend ni Richard Faulkerson, Jr?" Val exclaimed grinning and gently nudging her shoulder, pulling her back from her thoughts.

Maine looked at her puzzled. "Huh? Wala. Wala."

"Weh? Yang tataah?"

"Wala nga. Happy lang ako. Alam mo yun?"

"Alam mo, Meng, for someone who have just gotten her book published, you're not very eloquent no? Ganyan ba nagagawa ng pagibig? Pero true, ha. I've never seen you this happy, yung laging nakangiti. At syempre ang mata mo pumupuso lagi. Ayihee. Glowing ka e, oh!" She teased, putting her hand under her chin.

"Eeeeh, hiyang kasi sa pagibig, bakit ba!" She chuckled, tucking imaginary strands of hair behind her ear.

"Sows! Pabebe o."

They were still giggling when they heard a knock on her door. RJ would be picking them up so they'd all go together to Podium for the event.

"At mukhang dumating na po ang reason behind your glow and googly eyes. Wait. I'll go get him."

Val came back a moments later with RJ in tow. "Madam, special delivery po. Marshmallow na may dalang flowers." She declared, laughing at her own joke causing RJ to blush.

"Grabe ka saken, Val. Bakit marshmallow?"

"Wag kang ano. Ginaya ko lang girlfriend mo. Hintayin ko kayo sa labas and please, mamaya na kayo magmomol, ha." She laughed, leaving the door open.

Maine looked at him guiltily. "Hi, Love."

"Marshmallow?! Dati Alfalfa, tapos ngayon, Marshmallow?" he asked, sulking, before handing her flowers and kissing her. "Buti na lang talaga, mahal na mahal kita. By the way, you look beautiful."

She smiled at him sweetly as he took his hand in hers. Me? Beautiful? Malapit na kong maniwala, RJ. Sobrang lapit na. " I love you too. Let's go?"


The book launch went surprisingly well. She didn't expect she'd have this many people in the audience with RJ and their families rooting for her on the sidelines. Even Richard Sr, Riza and Ate April bought her book and had her sign their copies, lining up like all the rest. Most of all, she was relieved that she was able to do the cooking demo without a hitch. Thanks to her boyfriend who helped her get through her stage fright earlier. How? Well, her boyfriend apparently knew what would do the trick.

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