Chapter 1: a rude encounter

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in Nottingham's tower, he paced back and forth.

"If only there was a way to become king of this city, the people would listen to me and do as I say." he blurted out in frustration.

I sat on his 'throne' he calls this big black chair and leaned sideways in it with my hand on my cheek, "you could have had Locksley castle, but you killed king Richard and left it to burn." I retorted.

"most villainous men would claim it as their own, rather than concur it and leave it to burn," I added.

he stopped and made a scrunched up face, he then looked at me and grinned.

"you're wise Azurel, but you know castles are worthless to me without a city." he stated cunningly.

"What's wrong with convincing people to follow you? too lazy to work?" I mocked him like a baby.

he scurried over to me and put his hands on the arms of the chair, he stared at me in the eye.

I did the same un-fearfully, "up" he commanded.

I slithered out of the chair while holding my golden staff dressed in Rubys and Emeralds, he was still in a leaning stance so I had no choice but to limbo under his arm.

which he enjoyed very much.

he sat down in the same position I was in and smiled.

"one day you might have a throne next to this one." he assured seductively.

I faced the wall with an unimpressed facial expression, I turned slightly.

"how untrue, you'll only see me as another one of your whores." I scurried away.

he smiled like he was going to get what he wanted.

I retreated into the distant forest, my Element is earth and this forest is my home.

the dead leaves crunched under my boots, the rings on my staff chimed as they hit one another.

suddenly I trip, "ugh!" I shout softly.

"Hey! watch it." a young man exclaimed quietly.

I gasp and look down, I see a man with green eyes and hair in the same color as mine.

"me?! you're the one sleeping on the ground in the middle of the woods!" I shout furiously.

"can't a guy get any sleep around here.." he retorted like and idiot and rolled on his side.

"Peasant.." I exhaled slightly and furiously swung my cloak back while getting up, I walked off as the young man briefly leaned up to stare at me leaving.

"I bet that man was half asleep when he spoke to me like that." I thought angrily.

"Imbecile," I added.

as I made my way to my large hollowed tree I felt someone watching me.

"who is that?" Robin Locksley the son of King Richard Locksley, asks little John the leader of the woodland village men and women.

John walks over and kneels with him behind a fallen branch, he pulls a spyglass out.

"well, that's Azurel Elfin," he explains in a deep tone.

"Who exactly is she?" Robin replies curiously.

"she is a very powerful being, an Earth Elemental to be exact she's also a sensitive, you know a person who senses spirits, that sort of thing," John answers funnily.

"I see, well she certainly looks the part.," Robin assured.

little John nodded, "this forest is her home just as much as it is ours, she's a very independent and strict woman. However, it is rumored she has a darker lifestyle than what we see." he explained.

they stared as I disappeared into the trees.

I entered my hollow brown tree and realized I had a cut on my thigh, I exhaled at the thought of that man.

I fetched a green bottle from the cabinet, it was an ointment.

I uncorked it and scooped a small bit of teal green ointment out of the bottle with my finger, I smeared it over the wound and created a dark green leaf in my hand.

I placed it on the wound and it adhered firmly, these leaves are healing leaves., They are useful when I do not have medicine already made in bottles on me at the time, they make good bandages as well.

I replaced the cork and put it back in the cabinet, I sat my staff beside the cabinet and proceeded to check on my plants.

 after all, I have been away for a long time.

I am also burdened to make medication for Nottingham's mother and bring her incense and ingredients for whatever conjuring she does in that dungeon.

she's been sick a while, nothing major though.

I'll have to go back soon otherwise, his Highness will get fussy.

Nottingham's Elemental (Will scarlet x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now