Chapter 3: the search for Robin Locksley

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Guy stood his ground and watched him, "where do we begin looking?! there's plenty of places he could be hiding." he shouted up to him then scurried upstairs a few seconds later.

I was leaning back in my chair playing with little vines, making them wrap around my fingers as they stormed through the doorway.

I gaze over narrow-eyed, suddenly Sheriff stops in his tracks weirdly.

I stare, and Guy looked at him funnily.

"What's the matter?" I ask curiously.

"Robin Locksley.." Nottingham replied in a quiet voice.

"The Lord's son? what of him?" I stared with my hand still held up.

"he escaped from prison in another country, and he's back in England," he replied with a slight grin.

I stayed silent and kept watching them.

"I want him found." Sheriff's head swings around in Guys' direction, he looked angry.

"How will we find him, there's to much ground to cover with so little men." Guy retorted.

Nottingham wasn't a king, instead, he was the Sheriff of the cities defenses.

however, he did have a bit of authority here, but only a small group to command.

Another surprise about him is that his birth name isn't Nottingham, it was the name of the city.

But he felt to take it upon himself because he believed he would be king one day.

his real name is George, and prideful he was.

Besides, I think Nottingham fits him better.

"take Azurel she may be able to find him.." Nottingham points to me while keeping eyes on his cousin.

I put my arm down and lean forward, "me?!" I shout softly.

"Please Azurel, if Robin Locksley comes back, he'll find out his father is dead, and try to kill us then I won't be king." he pleaded trying to make me feel for him.

I exhaled and look down, Guy stares at me mischievously.

"fine.." I get up and proceed to join Guys men outside.

Guy quickly follows.

Nottingham smiles sinisterly and watches Guy leave, but stops him with a last request.

"and Guy if you try anything with her, I'll make sure this is the last time you see her." he lifts a chalice to his lips and sips happily.

Guy stares at him over his shoulder with furrowed eyebrows.

Time skip>

It was getting late and we set up camp after traveling awhile.

I sat near the fire calmly, the dark clouds in the sky rolled by slowly.

I notice Guy coming my way, he smelled of alcohol.

I suspected he was half-drunk or something.

he plops down next to me and reaches for my arm, I quickly jerk back.

"come now Azurel! certainly, you like me more than my cousin!" he shouted hopelessly drunken.

I made a disgusted face, then walked away from the camp and stood on a small hill to stare at the moon.

in the city, Nottingham and Mortianna rested in his throne room.

he was standing at the table as Mortianna walked across quietly.

Nottingham's Elemental (Will scarlet x OC) {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora