Chapter 9: Sheriff's missing Goddess

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I calmly stumble behind Will as we enter the camp. 

all I saw in front of me, was Will carrying his wood and Robin and Azeem in the distance with their backs turned to us.

a few seconds later, after we got closer to them.

Will blurts out, "Robin!" he calls urgently, his tone was subtle.

Robin turns around in slight concern, followed by Azeem who simply but more calmly does the same.

I was hidden behind Will.

"what's the matter?" Robin asks sincerely.

"We don't have to rescue Azurel." Will informed him cheerfully.

"what are you saying?" he replies.

Will stared at them a moment, then steps to the side.

"The Elemental." Azeem boldly states in surprise.

I slightly smile..

"How did you escape the Sheriff?" Robin questions in disbelief.

I slightly look down, "I left the city just yesterday, Sheriff wants me as his wife to bear him an heir."

"he's been trying to seduce me for years. he almost did this time but it was my fault for exposing myself."

"I entered a bathing room to clean up, and it turns out I was set up by Mortianna his witch mother, I hardly escaped and when I did I vowed never to go back to the tower.," I explain sadly.

as I explained what happened, Will stares down at me softly in thought.

"I've changed a lot since then and it's thanks to Will that I've been restored," I assure and gaze over at him softly.

"you certainly look a lot different, you shouldn't worry yourself any longer you're welcome in our company from this day forward." Azeem gently touched my shoulders.

"my Lady.." he adds and smiles happily.

I slightly bow my head after I stare at him a second.

there was a moment of silence..

"come, I'll get you a warm cup of tea." Robin insists.

I walk toward the heart of the camp with Robin, while Azeem and Will stayed in their current places.

Azeem watches for a minute, then gazes at Will.

"well done Mr. Scarlet, you've saved a pure soul," he assured.

Will gazes at the ground and subtly grins.

"do I sense more than just a friendship between you and Ms. Elfin." Azeem teased.

Will looks up, "that is none of your business." he smiled and chuckled.

Azeem laughed with him, his wrists were on his hips.

"good man." Azeem taps Will's shoulder happily.

shortly they both start walking in our direction to join Robin and me, Azeem's right arm was across Will's back.

short time skip>

we sat around a fire pit I held a small dented metal cup with both hands, and gazed at the ground.

"what do we now," I ask in a calm, kind voice.

"We stick with our plan tomorrow we'll attack him and his worthless guards." Robin justified strongly and threw down a small splinter from a twig.

meanwhile, back at my hollowed tree>

The sheriff and his men arrived to kidnap me..

his horse whinnied and trotted in place, as he stared around in a strong blank facial expression.

"check inside! go, now!" he demanded coldly.

three of his men rummaged through my things inside but came out with nothing.

"Sire, she's not here." an officer informs him subtly in a mutter.

Sheriff stares down at him intensely.

"what.." he whispered under his breath with furrowed eyebrows of perplexity.

Guy was silently observing upon his own horse a few inches away, he still hated Sheriff and was in the most furious mood that he's ever been in, but for the sake of finding me and seeing me again, he was there to help search for me.

(if I had been there... my Nightmare would have come true..)

The Woodsman village>

a few minutes later I was taking a walk around when a large man in a wagon drives by.

"Friar?" I mutter and stare up.

he looks up at me as I come closer, and stand beside the wagon.

"Ms. Azurel." he replies in slight surprise.

"I thought you were an ally of Sheriff's.." I question him suspiciously.

he purses his lips together and his eyes roll around nervously..

"I suppose I had a change of heart when I became sober.," he replies sincerely.

he peers up at Robin and Azeem, as Will stood in the distance with his hands on his hips watching us cautiously.

"Friar, you're a horrible liar."

"I'm curious about one thing though," I add in thought.

"anything my Lady." he listens carefully.

"what has Guy been doing lately? I haven't seen him or heard of him in a long while." I ask.

"oh, him haha. he's been depressed and drunk over you, my dear." he laughs.

I blankly gaze at him as he chuckles, "oh." I mumble.

he continues to snicker as Will approaches, "Azurel." Will calls.

I turn around and look at him..

"come with me, I have to show you something." he pulls me away.

"Besides I don't want you near that wretched slimeball, he could easily turn on us he was passing through with Sheriff's men, it took Robin and Azeem, and some of the men here all they could to subdue him he didn't change sides willingly, at first anyway," he explains as we walk off.

Friar after hearing our conversation nods and raises his eyebrows lightly funnily reacting to the truth of what happened and why he was here.

Will took me away near a tree just outside the camp, he leaned against it.

I simply stand in front of him, and silently stare.

he slowly pulls out an object from the folds of his scarf.

he cups it in his hands, but I could clearly see a piece of a golden chain sticking through the gap of his palm.

"I want you to have this," he reveals a necklace with a real ruby pendant on the end.

"I made it myself quite a few months ago, I found the ruby in an old cavern near the river and the chain is made with the gold I panned in the same location." he nervously looks into my eyes briefly and exhales with a slight smile.

"every day I polish it to keep its shine," he adds.

I smile softly, "Will it's something you made with your own hands, why would you give it away? I'm not worth wearing such a fine piece of jewelry." my voice was angelic and kind, and I look down.

he grins, "you're the only woman worth wearing this piece of jewelry, I couldn't think of anyone else." he assures sincerely.

he fastens it around my neck and slowly caresses the chain down to the jewel, properly placing it in the center of my chest.

he shortly moves his hand away and looks up at me.

I look down at the necklace a second, "thank you Will, but if you ever want it back you can always have it." I assure strongly.

he nods with a slight smile but in his mind, he didn't want it back it was his gift to me as his confession of love.

Nottingham's Elemental (Will scarlet x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now