Chapter 5: between light and darkness

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Azeem unbound me carefully, I arose and gaze at them.

I slowly look over at the ground and see my staff, it shined and sparkled in the sunlight, the tree leaves danced on it as a shadow.

"Will must have dropped it when he ran away." I assumed in my thoughts.

I calmly and slowly bent over to pick it up, I hug it close and look at them one last time.

I walk away into the deep forest looking down as I traveled, about ten minutes later I look up in response to galloping.

the rider was Nottingham, sitting high on his black steed.

he stares, "let's go." he road over calmly and supremely.

he helped me on by grabbing my right hand, my cloak swayed as I stepped up.

I rested my sideways staff in my left hand as I held onto his abdomen with my right.

he road us back to the city.

Nottingham must have been impatient waiting for his cousin to deliver, so he went out to find me himself.

entering the throne room he didn't cease to ask of my whereabouts, storming through the door his cape blew around high in the air from his swift walking.

"Where have you been all this time Azurel?" he fixed himself another drink.

he's always drinking, to think he drinks enough in one day than he does in a week.

I stood beside a large black statue and rested my left arm on it, the ruby of a silver arm wrap on my upper arm glared.

tiny green algae looking threads lined the bottom of the jewelry piece and stuck to my arm.

I was calm and confident that he wouldn't find out I was captured, though his cousin witnessed it first hand.

truly inside I didn't want harm to come to Robin or his friends, but mostly Will Scarlet.

"were you captured?" he suspected, taking a small sip.

I briefly gaze at an old tattered red rug below me, "no." the sound of my voice became celestial like.

a brief silence was present, then I spoke again.

"I just ran away, I sealed myself inside of a tree to hide from the enemy."

"After a long while, I finally emerged and made my way back to the city.." I lied terribly and look back up.

he slowly approaches me, by the look on his face I thought he didn't buy it.

he grabs my chin and caresses it gently, I stare at him with a concerning facial expression.

suddenly the small green healing leaf falls from my thigh, it sways to the floor.

he notices and kneels to pick it up just as I do, "oh." I whisper softly and try to grab it before him.

he retrieves it first anyways, and lifts it up closer to his face to examine it.

the leaf reminded me of Will.

I stare at him, "isn't this one of your healing leaves?" he asks.

I nod slightly, then look at my leg it was fully healed leaving no scar.

he looks over and down at my thigh as well, he thought someone had harmed me.

we stood, and stared at each other, he held the leaf tightly in his right hand.

I felt a change in energy, he became strongly sincere.

"did someone harm you Azurel? tell me! I shall put them to death myself!" he shouted.

I stared at him fearfully..

Guy bursts through the door, I quickly look over.

he looked angry at the sight of us being near each other, Nottingham turns around slowly and glances at him.

The Woodsman village>

meanwhile, in the woodsman village, Will finally returned.

Robin and Azeem were already back to doing normal things, however, Will noticed I was missing.

he approached them frantically and a bit stirred up, "where's the Elemental woman?" he questioned.

Azeem and Robin turned around, "she's gone we let her go." Azeem informed him calmly.

Scarlet couldn't believe it, "you let her go? after everything she's done?" he raised his voice.

"Listen, that woman is a bringer of light and amongst all, life."

"she has been tainted with the presence of darkness, but can be saved maybe you should have a hand in that."

"one day you may witness the sheer glory and peace of an Elemental such as her." Azeem so wisely proclaimed.

Will still unforgivable lashed back, "I wouldn't help someone like her, even if it brought peace or gave me something I so desperately desired in the end." he retorted.

"what do you desire? Mr. Scarlet?" Azeem knew something about him that the others didn't.

Will for a brief moment calmly thought about something or someone, but became agitated by the question and huffed running off again.

Robin and Azeem watched as he retreated back into the rich green atmosphere, where the golden mid-morning sun smiled brightly through the treetops.

Nottingham's Elemental (Will scarlet x OC) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now