Chapter 4

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I woke up alone. At first I thought it was all a weird dream but I saw a not on my shelf next to the photo of my parents. I go over and pick it up. I open it and read it.



Bella wants to see you. I'll come get you at 11. See you then.


P.S. You look cute when you sleep.


I smile lightly. I look to the clock. 9:30. I quickly grab some cloths and walk to the bathroom. I shower and change. I quickly put my hair in a messy bun and go down stair. Jacob sat on the sofa alone.

"We need to talk." He said. I nod slowly and sit next to him. "I can try to not be pissed about it but if he hurts you in any way I'll kill him." Jake said. I smile and hug him. He hugged back and I squeezed his neck tightly.

"By the way. 'use protection'. What kind of girl do you think I am?" I ask he tapped my arm that we wrapped around his neck. I finally let him go and he started panting. I got up and went over to the fridge. I pull out a bear.

"Oh no you don't." He said pulling the alcohol away from me.

"What? I'm legal to drink. I'm 17." I say.

"Its 10:30 in the morning." Jake said. I tilt my head.

"Please. Just one." I say. He sighs and handed it to me.

"One." He said. I took a sip and went back to the sofa. I sat down and took another sip. "I'm visiting Renesmee today so stay out of trouble." He said.

"One trouble finds me and second I'm visiting Bella today. Emmet's coming at 11." I say taking another swig of the bear.

"Come with me now." He said. I smile and quickly drank the rest of the bear. I place the bottle on the side. "You could have brought that with you." He said. I shrug my shoulders and we left.

*****time skip****at the Cullins house*****

As we arrive there was a young teen sat on the steps of the house.

"Jacob!" She cheered. She was next to him in seconds. She hugged him and he picked her up.

"Princess?" I look over to see Emmet and a guy with blond curly hair.

"I told you don't call me princess." I sigh.

"Riley." Bella said walking you the house. She smiled and was crushing me in a hug quicker than I could blink. "I haven't seen you in years."

"Bella...air...." I say. She released me and I began panting. "Good to see you too Bella." I smile. I saw a guy with dark hair standing behind Bella.

"Hello I'm Edward Bella's husband." He smiled. I smile back.

"Nice to meet you." I smile.

"Come inside you have to meet Carlisle and Esme." Bella said pulling me along. I almost fall but catch myself. We walk into a room with a bland man and a woman with dark brown hair.

"Riley this is Carlisle and Esme." Bella smile. I wave and Esme came over.

"You're so pretty." She smiled.

"Don't spoil her." Bella whinnied.

"Your pretty too Bella." I smile. She laughs and then we went back outside. Edward came over and Bella went off with him. I sat in a tree my eyes closed when I smelt someone I open my eye to see a girl with short brown hair.

"Hi I'm Alice." She smiled.

"Hi, I'm Riley." I smiled.

"I know. Everyone living in these woods knows you. The werewolf who imprinted on a vampire." She said. "Come with me I got something for you." She smiled. I nod and jump out the tree. She follows. We go back inside and Alice took me to what I guessed was her room. She rummaged through her closet and pulled out a dress.

"Sorry but I don't do dresses." I smile.

"Well you are not getting Emmet's attention in those cloths so change." She said. I take the dress knowing there was no getting out of it. She told me where the bathroom was and I was forced to change into the black knee leigh dress with sequins on the top of the dress. I come out and she does my hair in loose curels.

"Do I have to go out there?" I ask.

"you can go put at free will or I'll carry you out." She smiled. I sigh getting up. "You'll thank me one day." We walk out. Jacob sat there and once he saw me he laughed.

"Shut it. I was forced." I snap. He laughed harder. "I'm gone." I say and walk away. I walk towards the woods and Jacob laughed harder. He actually fell to the ground. I walk through the woods and soon I stopped. I sat under a tree and sighed.

"Hello princess." I look over to see Emmet. "What's with the dress?"

"Alice said I needed to wear it to get your attention. No offence but I don't want it if I means wearing a dress." I say. He chuckled and came over. He sat next to me and pulled me into his lap. Me straddling him.

"Well you have my full attention. Now what." He asked. I felt like my heart was beating faster than the speed of light.

"You don't have to do this you know." I say. "Just because i imprinted on you."

"You think I'm only doing this because you imprinted on me?" He asked. He pulled me close. Our foreheads touching and his hands on my waist, holding me in place. "I'm doing this because ever since I first saw you I wanted to touch you, hold you and have you by my side. Not because you imprinted on me." I sat there not able to say anything. He leaned closer, his lips capturing mine. I gladly kiss back. I felt a shock go through me and saw fireworks in my head. He pulled me as close as possible.

"Riley!" I heard Jacob yell from a distance. I pull away from Emmet. But he quickly went for my neck. "Riley where are you?" I could hear him getting closer. I push Emmet off me slightly.

I put my finger to my lips. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Emmet." I heard Jacob say. "Riley I know your awake." He said.

"Worth a try." I smile. I get to my feet. "What is it?"

"We got to go." He said. I nod. Emmet gave me a last kiss goodbye and we walk back home.


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