Chapter 16

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I sat with Renesmee with Bella and Alice. She was trying to come up with names.

"I like Jamie for a boy and lily for a girl." Alice smiled looking down at the large bump.

"What about you. What would you name a child?" Renesmee asked. Bella smiled.

"If I had a girl I would name her Luna. If I had a boy the Regan. I have loved those names since I was a kid." I smile.

"I like Darren for a boy and Faith for a girl." Renesmee smiled.

"I like them." I look over to the door and saw Jacob. He came over and sat with Renesmee. Edward followed in. After a moment Renesmee gasped and whimpered in pain. Jacob took her hand.

"Ren? You ok?" Bella asked.

"Baby." Was the only word she formed from the deep breathing she was doing. Carlisle took her to the emergency room with Jacob, Edward and Bella. The rest of us waited at home. Rosalie went out. My Alice and Jasper sat in the living room waiting to hear something. Emmet came in and I explained where everyone was. He sat with us and in seconds my mobile rang. I pick up.

"A boy!" Jacob yelled.

"Congrats but lower the voice. How is Renesmee?" I ask.

"Just tiered. We named the baby Jason. I hope you don't mind." He said. I gritted my teeth.

"I don't mind." I say calmly. "Alice needs to talk to you." I smile and hand her the phone.

"What so bad about the name Jason?" Jasper asked.

"I have a brother named Jason. I hate him and he hates me. End of conversation." I say. Emmet wrapped his arms around me and I cuddle into his chest.

"I didn't know you had a brother." He said.

"I try and pretend I don't." I growl.

"Cant be that bad." Jasper said.

"He tried to kill me twice." I said. that seemed to get him to be quiet. "Its late I think I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." I say and walk up the stairs. I walk to my room and lay down on the bed. I just look at the wall thinking about what Renesmee told me before. It got me thinking about things. Ill grow old and die while Emmet will stay young. Would he leave me?

"Hey can I talk to you?" I look over to the door and saw Jasper. I nod and he came in. "You are aware of Alice's gifts correct?" I nod. "She saw something and is worried."

"What did she see?" I ask sitting up.

"She saw a baby. But you was holding it and shes hoping its Renesmee's child. If you had a child we would be happy for you but its clear that you can't handle yourself never mind a child. No offence." He aid.

"None taken. I kind of agree." I sigh. I lay back down. "Jasper what exactly will happen about me and Emmet. We cant have kids, We're too different to get married and I'll grow old and eventually die." I say.

"I'm not sure. You'll have to talk to Emmet about that." He said. He got up and walked towards the door. "Get some sleep." I nod and turn away from him. I pull the covers over my head and slowly drift off to sleep.

*****Emmet's POV*****

I look down at my sleeping princess. She was right. We was so different. But I love her despite that. I heard yelling and ran out. Renesmee, Jacob, Bella, Edward, Carlisle, Esme, Jasper adn a baby stud there agents one hell of a lot of werewolves. Leah and Seth stud by us and a fight broke out Renesmee was open and Paul went to attack her and the baby when out of no where Riley pounces on him ripping into his neck. She threw him as far away as she could. Riley looked over to Jacob before Renesmee got on her back. They took off running.

*****Riley's POV*****

I ran as fast as I could go. I had no idea where I was supposed to go but I just ran. But then there was a gun shot and for a second I heard nothing but soon I was falling. I fassed back to human and blood rushed out my now knew gun shot wound. I looked at Renesmee.

"Run!" I yell. She did just that. She ran as fast as she could as I slowly began to die. The gunshot was right into my chest. I started wheezing. I saw snow starting to lightly fall. I smile as blood gushed from my mouth.

*****Renesmee's POV*****

I raced back to the Cullins house. Alice had the baby so he was safe. I got there and screamed I got everyone's attention. I was sobbing like crazy.

"Riley's been shot!" I yell. Jacob shot up and raced over. He raced past me.

"Where is she?" Bella said. Emmet was gone by now.

"In the meadow." I sob. The werewolves looked down sadly. One of there own had died.

*****Riley's POV*****

I laid there. I felt my vision fading when a hand grabbed mine.

"Oh god. Don't you dare die." I look to see Jacob. He pressed down on the wound making me whimper. "Your going to be ok. You have to live."

"Riley." i look to the right and saw Emmet. I teared up as I saw the sadness in his face. He fell to his knees and took my other hand.

*****Alice's POV*****

When we arrived at the scene Jacob was cry, screaming Riley's name. Emmet was cradling her in his arms, rocking her genitally. Seth howled and so did Leah. Rensemee cried into her dads shoulder. Bella seemed to run over. She grabbed Riley and held her and screamed. Carlisle soon went over and picked her up bringing her back to the house.

There was just one single question...Who shot her?

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