Chapter 17

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Little Jason

I felt a wave of releif. No more stress. No more worry. No more anything. I felt at peice. I open my eyes to only see darkness. In front of me was a mirror. I look through it but it was more like a window. I saw my body and Emmet sad. Jacob, Billy and Renesmee crying. Bells holding my hand. I was in a brightly lite room.

"We need to get her ready for the mumorial." Carlisle said. Everyone left the room and Carlies brought out a needel He pricked it into my arm. I felt a wave of air fill my lungs, as if I had been holding my breath for days. My eyes open adn I saw Carlisle. "Easy." He said. "Deep Breaths." I did as told adn chocked now adn again. I grip onto his arm tightly.

"Whats appening?" I ask still out of breath.

"I have no idea. But your going to be ok." He said adn raced out the room. He came back with Machines with tubes adn wires. He stuck them all over my chest and head. Everytime my heart beet went down I felt a small shock in my chest.

"Carlisle whats going on?" Edward asked.

"Water." I mumbel in pain.

"Edward get some water quickly." Carlisle said. He was gone a second. WHen he came back anhe handed Carlisle the cup of water. "Help me lift her a little." He did as asked adn I drank. Istarted chocking again. "Go get Jacob now." I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I grip Carlisles arm adn tried breathing but it was as if there was no air.

"Alice! Rosalie!" Carlisle yelled. They rushed into the room. "Hold her down." He said. They held my arms down adn legs down. Carlisle quickly attached somthing to my chest and it pricked into my skin. "Im soory Riley but this will hurt." He said. I felt something moving around my chest. He was by a laptop adn after a while iI felt sick. A sharp pain erupted in my chest I scream loudly. I cry in pain adn Jacod burst through the door.

"Jacob don't touch anything." Carlisle said. "She has a split lung and its filling. Im not sure how but shes alive. I'll figure it out when I know shes stabel." Carlisle said. I scream again adn Jacob gripped my hand.

"Your ok." He said. I squermed , trying to get away.

"There all fixed." Carlisle said. He came over and pulled the tube like thing outmy chest and sewed up the gap. "Alice go get Emmet adn Rosalie could you get some more water please." They nodded adn left. "Jacob why dont you move her over to the sofa. SHe'll be more comftorbal." Jacob nodded adn picked me up. He placed me on the sofa and Rosalie cae in with some water. I drank it quickly. Carlisle put my arm in a sling since it had a deep cut in it from when I fell.

"I'll go see what's taking Alice." Carlisle said. Once he left Renemee came in holding a baby boy.

"RIly this is Jason." She smiled coming over.

"He's adorable. You did well." I smile. SHe teared up adn hugged me softly.

"If you wasn't there I would have been dead. You could have died." She said sadly. Jacob heldhis son.

"Im fine. Kind of. I'll live." I smile.

"Shes right. You protected her with your life. Im gratful." Jacob smiled.

"So its true." I turn to the door adn saw Edward adn Jasper.

"You are alive." Jasper smiled.

"I'll be around for a while. I wont leave without a fight." I girn. We all sat round just talking when Alice came in.

"No one can find Emmet." She said.

"What?" I ask. I slowly stumbel back to my feet. Just wait till I se him.

"Riley you should rest. We'll find him." Jasper said.

"Nope." I say and walk out the room. I go down the stairs adn as I leave I saw the werewoves comeing closer. They seem a little shocked to see me alive.

"What the?" Paul asked. I walk straight past them.

"Emmet!" I call. "I know you can hear me!" I walk around for about 10 minutes before I stop adn start panting. I lean agenst a tree for a moment. "Where the hell at you, you stupid idiot." I walk to the medow I was shot at. I didn't see him. I wased towards the town. I didn't see him there either. My phone began ringing like crazy. I pick up. "Hello." I say panting.

"Where are you?" Jasper?

"Near the town." I pant. "Where is he?" I ask.

"Im here." I turn around and saw Emmet standing there. I drop my phne and hug him with my one arm. "Oh god. You scared me. I thought I had lost you for good."

"Never." I smile. He kissed my head. "It did make me think though."

"About?" He asked.

"I don't care what happens. Marrage, kids, whatever. I don't care as long as your there." I smile. He smiled widly adn picked me up spinning me around.

"I love you so much." He smiled.

"Love you too." I smile adn he gave me another kiss.

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