Chapter 6

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I woke up the next day alone again. My head was pounding slightly. I get out the bed, changed and walk down stairs. I found beer bottles everywhere.

"What the hell h-" I cut myself off when I remembered last night. I slowly walk over to a wall and hit my head on it.

"What are you doing?" I heard Bella's voice ask.

"Trying to forget yesterday." I say hitting my head again. Bella pulled me away and helped me clean up the mess. Just as I was about to take the bag to the trash can Jacob wheel Billy through the door.

"What are all those bottles from?" Billy asked.

"Please don't ask." I say rubbing my poor head. Jacob looked at me then the bag.

"You drank all that." He said. "Bet you woke up hungover like hell."

"Actually it wasn't that bad." I say.

"I have arranged for you to go to the high school in forks." Billy said.

"Thank you Billy. I'll be happier when I don't have a mini gun going off inside my skull." I say. "I'm going to get some fresh air." I say. I walk outside and wondered into the woods. For some reason o found myself by the stream. I walked down it, following it to a fallen tree. I walk over and headed towards the Cullen's house. I saw Edward.

"Good morning Riley." He said with a warm smile.

"Morning." I mumble.

"You seem to be hung-over." He chuckled.

"Thanks for telling me I thought I had been shot in the head." I say.

"If you're looking for Emmett he's in his room." Edward said. I nod and walk inside. I walk up the stairs and over to Emmett's room. Just as I was about to walk in I saw him and a blond girl kissing through the window in his door. I felt everything inside me break. Alice came over smiling. She looked at what I saw and pulled me away. I just ran away tears running down my face. Any pain I had ever felt was nothing compared to this. I ran and jumped over the stream. I ran back towards the house. Jacob was walking towards me with Seth and Leah. I sobbed and I hug him tightly.

"Riley what is it?" He asked. I could hear the panic in his voice.

"He's a fucking cheat. He never cared about me." I sob. I felt him hug me tightly.

"Come on Riley let's get you home." Leah said rubbing my back. She took my hand and took me home.

*****Jacob's POV*****

I storm towards the house. Edward tried to calm me down but all I saw was red. Emmett sat outside the house and I marched over and threw him to the ground.

"Your dead." I spit.

"What's going on?" Esme Sai. All the Cullen's stood there watching.

"You fucking cheated on her." I yell and fass. I attack him throwing him all over the place. After I had enough I fass back and pick him up by his shirt. "You ever go near Riley again I will fucking kill you. Understand?" I ask. He nodded and I walked off.

When I got home I saw Leah sat on the floor stroking Riley's hair. She had cries herself to sleep.

"Jake what do we do?" She asked. "She barely knows how to react to being a werewolf full stop. Now her imprint cheated on her. She didn't even know what an imprint was. This is going to kill her inside out and she won't know why." She said.

"I know. Go tell Sam and ask him because I have no fucking idea." I say. I sit next to Riley and put her head on my knees. "But I'll kill Emmett if he ever comes near Riley again." I say. She whimpers in her sleep and Leah leaves. I pick Riley up and put her in her bed. I smile lightly and go back downstairs.

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