Chapter 1

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~Leah's P.O.V~

Walking back home from school, I say bye to a few of my new friends. It was my first day here and I'm already the center of attention. I'm on the news, all over social media. They gave me a welcome ceremony, a congratulation party, a tour around the school. Today was exhausting to the most extreme level.

Oh, how thoughtless of me to not introduce myself. Sorry for the late introduction. My name is Leah Kurian. I'm 13 years old. I'm attending the 10th grade at Middleston High School. Yes, I know, I'm 'not old enough'. Well, to explain to you, I'm a prodigy. Last year, when I was in the seventh grade, I had aced all my classes and gotten the highest ever marks on all my tests, quizzes and assessments. The state gave me three other tests, I'm now guessing they were for 8th, 9th and 10th grade. When they got the results, they said that I had passed all the tests and they were putting me into 10th grade. I guess studying from high school text books has its advantages.

Recently my parents and I moved to Quantico, Virginia. My parents were both born in Kerala, India, but I was born in Houston, where we used to live. They got jobs as agents at the VAPD. Since they're so busy, I barely get to see them, but they always make some time to call me at the end of the day. I love them so much.

Anyways, back to the story. I reach the corner of our neighborhood and wave to my neighbor, Ms. Carrie. She's a retired doctor and super sweet. Whenever my parents have overtime, I go over to her house and we cook sometimes. I play with her golden retriever, Denny.

I stop in front of her gate, smelling the jasmine flowers she planted recently. "Smelling fresh as ever, Ms. Carrie. How are you today?" She smiles and says " I'm good, sweetie. Don't forget to come over tonight with your parents. I baked some soft chocolate chip cookies and made some turtle pie."

I smile and reply "Will do, Ms. Carrie. Can't wait to dig in!" I wave to her, pet Denny on the head, hearing a bark in reply, and continue walking home.

Reaching the house, I see our black Range Rover parked in the driveway. My parents took the day off today, so I expected to see it. But I freeze, noticing the door is wide open. I slowly walk through the entrance. "" Nothing, just a disturbing silence.

I walk through the hallway leading to the entrance of the dining room, at its left a TV room, at its right the kitchen. I look around, seeing that everything is at it's place. I go upstairs, checking the bedrooms, bathrooms, the theater room, and went back downstairs to check our living room, still finding nothing.

At this moment I panicked. Then I remembered our basement. I ran down the stairs, checking in the open area first, then came upon a closed door. I rested my palm on the door knob, closing my fingers around it. I slowly turn it, hearing a click, then pushed it open.

There, in the middle of the room, were my parents. They were sitting in chairs tied together, back to back. Their mouths were taped shut. Their eyes were milky white and lifeless, their heads tilted over, their skin pale. None of them were moving or breathing. Looking down, I saw that their clothes were covered in blood. They were dead.

At this realization, my heart sank. My knees buckled and I fell, landing on my shins. My eyes filled with tears and my whole body shook. With all the strength I had left, I stood up and rushed over to them. I cupped my mother's face in my hands, knowing it was too late for them. I looked at my dad, tears blurring my vision as some started making their way down my cheeks. My tightened chest loosened as I sobbed aloud, screaming, calling out their names, but nothing happened.

As I cried, the home phone started to ring. I stood up, wiping my tears, my chest tightening again as I stopped crying. I picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. It read Unknown Number. I pressed talk, took a deep breath, held the phone to my ear and breathed out shakily. "H-hello?"

"Hello Leah." The voice was a man's voice. It was deep, but mysterious. I didn't recognize it.

"Wh-who is this?" I stood there, confused.

"This is the killer of Preethi and Rajan Kurian."

I took in a sharp breath as he shamelessly spoke my parents' names. "Who the hell are you?! Why did you do this?!" I shouted into the phone, raising my voice.

"Now, now little one. No need to make such a fuss. First let me tell you the secret your parents were hiding from you." I paused. I didn't respond, but I didn't need to.

"I killed your whole family so far. Your grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and anyone the slightest bit related to you. You see, I had a goal, and that goal was you. I was going to kill anyone related to you to make you mine. You're all over the news, and anyone would kill for such a smart girl. I will make you all mine. I will kidnap you, lock you up, do whatever I want with you. It will happen, Leah dearest. I will take you, and you will be made mine, forever." I hear crazed laughter from the man and then he hangs up.

I take in everything he just said. He killed everyone that has any blood relation to me. And now my parents. This lunatic threatened to kidnap me and do whatever he wants with me. Without thinking, I press three numbers into the phone, hold it to my ears and wait as the phone rings. I hear the phone being picked up and then a man's voice.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency..."


Two days later

~Penelope's P.O.V~

Rushing into the meeting room with 6 file folders, my laptop, the projector remote and J.J. by my side, we step into the room to see all our colleagues are already in the room. I get the case presentation ready, as J.J. hands out all the file folders, and start the presentation.

"Okay everybody, meet Leah Kurian, a 13 year old prodigy. She's been all over the news for quite a while now, so she is pretty well known." I click a button on the remote and a picture of Leah pops up on the screen.

"Right, so just the day before, she came home to the murder of her parents.They were agents, Preethi and Rajan Kurian." I click the button a few more times. First, the picture of both of the parents popped up. Then a few pictures of the murder scene.

"After Leah found her parents, she says that she got a call from an unknown number. The person on the phone confessed that he had killed all people with even the least bit of blood relation to Leah and that he would kidnap her. Leah says the voice was a maybe white male's voice, not exactly sure, maybe late 20's-early 30's. Unfortunately, she couldn't identify who's voice it was." With that, the presentation is finished and the conversation begins.

Hotch first, "Were there any witnesses?"

J.J. speaks up, "Their neighbor, Linda Carrie, says that she saw the car coming in to their driveway. She says that the car was a grey Jeep Cherokee. The only numbers she could get off the license plate were 149. She couldn't see the driver's front, but he was tall with short black hair."

"So why would the unsub want to take advantage of Leah? I mean sure, she's a child prodigy and all, but why kill off all her relatives?" asks Morgan.

Reid answers "He might be showing that he is mature and capable enough to take Leah for himself, by himself. Some of the suspects of our kidnapper cases have had bad childhoods and, therefore, feel immature. But through the kidnappings, they want to prove to the world that they are strong and mature and not to mess with them."

I looked around the room and listened for anymore questions, then turned off the projector and took back the file folders.

"Where would we find Leah if we needed to ask her other questions?" The question came from Rossi.

I answered "They have her safe at Linda Carrie's house, with two officers at her guard."

Rossi says "Okay, then me, Prentiss and Morgan will go to the Carrie house and talk to Linda and Leah a bit more, see if we can get anything else , and Reid, Hotch and J.J., you three go to the crime scene and see if you find anything."

Everyone gets up and goes their ways as I walk back to my office and sit down in my chair. Sighing out, I can just tell that this case is going to be a long one.

Prodigy Case (Criminal Minds Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now