Chapter 7

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~ Jennifer's P.O.V. ~

It was a rainy, lazy Saturday morning. Will had gone with the kids to the movies. I didn't care that I was left at home. I sure as hell didn't want to get up out of my bed. I felt the warmth of my sweater send shivers through my body against the cold. What a pleasant feeling that was. The rain drops and the low hum of wind against the window was just like a lullaby to me. How I loved rainy days when sleeping in. I would stay like this for the whole day.

Or so I thought...

At about 9:50 I heard buzzing on the bedside table. I picked my head up lazily and half opened an eye. I was getting a call from Penelope.

I huffed, grabbing the phone, shifting onto my back, covered my eyes with my arm, and held the phone to my ear. I breathed and gave a low, monotone "Helloooooo..."

"Hey JJ " said the sing-songy voice we all came to know and love. "Could you come down to the Bureau for a bit? I need to do some more hacking, but reporters keep coming and trying to get information." I heard commotion on her side of the line. She yelled out "I can't tell you anything." Then she spoke back to me. "Please?"

I sighed and told her I was coming. I hung up and got ready. I brushed, showered, and wore my usual work attire, picking a white collared button up underneath a red sweater, black dress pants and black boots. I poured my coffee into a thermos, grabbed a warm coat and an umbrella, and headed out the door.

Once I arrived at the Bureau, the reporters and cameramen rushed to me and bombarded me with questions. I gave them the updated report and gave them the number to call and ask for anymore questions.

They all left, but there was one person still there. He looked young, maybe late twenties to early thirties. He had raven black hair slicked to the side, and small pale blue eyes behind dark rimmed glasses. He was tall and lean, but kind of pale.

He walked up to me and smiled. "Hello Ms. Jareau. My name is Trevor Kendrick. I work for an online news website." He held out his hand, and I took it. "I wanted to ask you some questions personally about Leah's case."

"Ask away " I replied.

"Have you been close enough to being able to suspect anyone specific? "

"We've narrowed down the list, certainly."

"Do you think anyone else besides Leah is being targeted by the suspect?"

"We can't be sure. This man is extremely dangerous and confident in himself. He has killed Leah's whole family single handedly, and there is evidence as the deaths being murders. He has done things from decapitating, poisoning, drowning, starving, suffocating, even burning to death. And even if they ha e different killing strategies, the latest murders stayed as shootings, so he was probably experimenting. But if his plan to get Leah backfires, there is a possibility he will have a new target."

"Have you ever had a case as intense."

"I cannot remember anything worse in all of my career."

Trevor asked more questions, some a bit weird and a little bit off topic. He scribbled some things in his notepad and gave me doubtful looks. He thanked me, gave me his business card, and left after a bit. I stared at him as he walked out. What was up with that guy?...

I walked to Penelope's office. I knocked on the door.

"I'm occupied at the moment. Agent Jareau will answer any questions you have", came her voice, barely audible from my side of the door.

"It's me Penelope. All the reporters are gone." I saw the doorknob turn slowly and the door open a bit. I saw Penelope's eye look through the crack, then it focused on me. "All clear?" I nodded. She opened the door fully and let me in.

"Merci beaucoup, mon ami! I'm sorry for making you come up here. The reporters wouldn't leave me alone. You're the only person I thought of to help."

I shook my head. "That's okay. All I was planning to do all day was sleep anyways. The boys are out watching a movie. I didn't really have anything to do. I did really like the peacefulness of my bedroom though."

Penelope giggled. "Awh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to not be able to sleep. Did you have breakfast yet?" I shook my head. Her face lit up. "Neither have I. Let's go to the bakery in town. They have the best goods."

On usual days, I would've kindly declined the offer. But I was hungry, and baked goods sounded great.

We got there and the first thing that caught my eye was the breakfast croissant. It had sausage egg and cheese. I ordered that and a fruit salad. Garcia took a tart from the bakery. We chose a chair by the window and talked while waiting for our bell.

When the bell rang, Penelope went to get the trays. I sat and thought back to Trevor. I've never met a reporter who gave me looks. What was his deal? Usually it was just the reporters get the info and leave at least looking content. That was not what Trevor did. Talk about manners.

"What's with the face, JJ? " my head shot up to the colorful glasses. Penelope had brought our food, with a look of curiosity crossing her face.

I realized that my brows were furrowed and my lips were thinned. I eased the look to a calmer one. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking about a reporter."

Her brows furrowed, with curiosity I'm sure, but she shrugged it off and set the plate down in between us. We ate our food and talked a bit. After we finished, we talked a little while longer. Then I dropped Penelope off at the Bureau and went back home.

Will, Henry and Michael were back, and they were playing a game. I gave them each a kiss on the cheek before I made myself some tea and went upstairs. I changed back into my pajamas, took out my laptop, and hopped into bed. I took out Trevor's business card. Turning on the laptop, I typed in the name of news website he works for. When I tried to click the link, though, it said that the page had been blocked since December of 2010.

I, curious now, dialed up Penelope's number and waited for her to answer.

"Mademoiselle Penelope, at your service."

"Hey Garcia, can you run a name for me really quick?" I needed to know about this guy.

"Of course, m'lady. What is the name?"

"Trevor Kendrick." I waited, hearing typing and small humming from the other line.

"Okay, Trevor Kendrick is a former reporter of a news site, Virginia For You. It was blocked in 2010 because of false information being given. Weather forecasts, politics, government, you name it, they faked it."

"Does Kendrick have a criminal record?" I waited as I heard more typing on the other line.

"He did go to jail for being found stalking kids that have been well known on the news. He claimed that he only did it for news purposes, but, eww, it went as far as going everywhere that kid went, waiting at their school for them, even asking them if they wanted to take a ride. Talk about creepy." She made unintelligible noises, I'm guessing to fake a gag. I couldn't blame her.

"Alrighty. Thanks Garcia. I'll see you tomorrow." I hung up and thought a little bit, mostly about Trevor though. He sounded an awful lot like the guy we were looking for. I looked back down at the business card. Damn! He didn't even put any contact information. How could I be so arrogant?!

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