Chapter 14

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~Penelope's P.O.V. ~

My fingers fly across the keyboard as I look at computer screen after computer screen, shifting my chair from one place to another, searching frantically. I hadn't even realized that someone had opened the door and closed it. They were right behind me when they touched my shoulder. I reacted quickly by elbowing them in the stomach as hard as I could. I quickly reached into my drawer and took out my gun, loaded it, and pointed it at the person.

"Don't even thi-"

They cut me off. "HEY, HEY, BABYGIRL, ITS ME!" Morgan put one of his hands up as the other clutched his side. I exhaled and lightly slapped his arm.

"Don't scare a girl, damn it!" I snapped as I took his hand in mine and helped him up. He was still clutching his side and wincing every now and then.

I looked at him and furrowed my brow. "Pull up your shirt." He looked up at me with confusion. "Just do it" I said annoyed

He slowly lifted it up and revealed his perfect toned body. There was just one imperfection, which was a blue-black bruise on his side. I groaned. "I am so, so sorry. Go get it checked out."

"Okay, but before that-"

"NO, Derek, I can't, okay? As much as I would love to, I can't. Everyone is relying on me and I'm dealing with a lot of bullshit, okay?" I realized I had raised my voice and looked up at him. I expected shock, but instead he was more sad.

I sighed and rubbed my face. "Sorry, now is not a good time. I can't, I just can't. I love you and the team, you know that, and I love being your baby girl, but it's just..." I inhaled deeply, then let it go and looked up at him and half smiled. "I'm sorry. I need to get back to work. Go get your side checked out, okay?"

Instead of leaving though, he stayed for a bit, just staring at me. Finally, he spoke. "You can't get yourself worked up about Leah." I looked down at my hands in my lap, fidgeting with my fingers.

"I know, it's stupid. I don't know her at all, but, oh my god, she's amazing. She's so much more mature than a lot of people I know, excluding you," I joked. "But I need to help you guys solve this case, whether I like it or not. I know that I'm just a mess. But don't worry about me. Okay?" I got up and hugged him. He hugged back.

He pulled away and half smiled at me. I crossed my eyes and stuck out my tongue, earning a laugh from him. "God, I love you so much." He sighed.

I put on a proud posture. "What's not to love?" I cooed. We laughed before Morgan left. I sighed and sat back down in my chair. Before long, I'm back to my work.


I've been at the Bureau for 7 hours now, and I don't think I've ever hated it more than now. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I'm so glad that I finally finished. Constantly calling Rossi and Reid, going from one computer to another, and my eyes darting all over the place.

As I get up, I crack my back at the same time. I groan in pain, but it feels so good at the same time. I crack my neck and stretch some more, groaning in pleasure. God, it feels good to be back up on my feet.

Once I'm done, I feel so much better and more energized. I'm ready to get out of this place, so I step out and turn off the lights in my office. I can't wait to hop into bed and go into a sleeping coma.

~ David's P.O.V. ~

"WE'VE GOT HIM!" Reid jumps up in triumph, definitely not showing any energy lack as he had before.

I laugh at his enthusiasm. "We could celebrate, but then we would lose Leah again, now come on." He follows close behind me.

I contact Morgan, Prentiss, and J.J. as Reid goes in to Hotch's office to get him. In seconds all three of us are in one of the vans, Hotch as the driver, me in the passenger seat, and Reid in the back. We drove to the destination.

Thirty minutes later, we came upon an abandoned house in the woods. There were no cars around or near the house. The house itself was most likely empty, but it didn't hurt to look.

We stepped onto the porch cautiously. I kicked the door open and we all instantly had our guns in the air, ready to fire at any point. As Prentiss, Morgan, and Reid checked the first floor, Hotch, J.J. and I went to the second floor. We had checked all the rooms first, then we searched the house, finding nothing significant.

We were about to give up before we heard screaming coming from downstairs. We all ran down to where the sound came from.

On the floor, Reid was clutching his side with his teeth clenched and his breathing was quick.
His hand and the side he was clutching were soaked in a dark crimson liquid.

"Morgan, call a medic." I came to Reid's side and pulled up his shirt. There was a small, clean hole gushing with blood.

I knew I shouldn't have taken him along. "What happened?" I looked up at him.

"R-Rossi," he managed between his panting. "Th-there was some type o-of poison in the b-bullet." Then suddenly, as if his wound was smeared with salt, he screamed in agony and clawed at the wound. Then his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and his body went limp.

My hand flew to his neck, checking his pulse rate. It was strangely stable. "Emily, hold up Reid's head, J.J. hold up his legs and wait for the medics to come. Hotch, come with me." They all obliged.

I walked up to the nearest door, which was slightly left open. I looked over at Prentiss and J.J. "You two keep your head down," I told them. They ducked. Hotch and I stepped out of the door way as I opened it the rest of the way. When nothing happened, I looked into it. What I saw made more sense as to what had happened.

There was a hand gun on a gun stand with a string tied to the trigger. The same string was tied to the door knob. "When Reid was trying to open this door, he was shot," I said aloud. Hotch looked into the door way, and his expression of confusion turned into one of understanding.

The medics and other police officers had come. Once the scene died down a bit and Reid was sent to the hospital, I untied the string and took the bullets out of the gun. They weren't the normal type of bullets. In fact, I don't think they were bullets at all.

The pill, if you will, was very tiny and sharp at the front, which might have made it easier to penetrate Reid's side. But it was made from plastic, rather than your usual metal bullet. Inside of it was some clear liquid, which was definitely not a safe liquid. I turned to one of the officers. "Get this to a lab and see what this liquid inside of it is" I said, slipping the bullets into a small plastic bag and handing it to him. He nodded and walked out.

I looked back at the scene and remembered why we were here in the first place. But if we hadn't found Leah, where else should we look? We needed Reid for this. But he now needed to get treated, rest, and recover. This was going to be tough.

Prodigy Case (Criminal Minds Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now