Chapter 6

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~Aaron's P.O.V~

Walking out of the house, a feeling of frustration swells up in my chest. But, as I do often, I use the best of my ability to keep it down.

This weekend has been nothing but dead ends. We were never able to get a suspect, Leah's life is on the line every moment we waste, and on top of that we wrongly suspected Linda. Thinking back to the what she did to prove herself not guilty...that was what amazed me. She just let us go through her stuff without a warrant or anything. She let us ask the most personal questions. No one would cooperate so easily, even if falsely accused.

I can't think about that now though. We have a killer to catch, and we don't have time to waste.

~ Leah's P.O.V.~

Outside, the loud booms of thunder were heard clearly. Ms. Prentiss had just left, Dr. Reid leaving a little while before her. I was waiting for Agent Rossi and Ms. Garcia to come for the evening watch. I listened to the low rumbling rhythm of the thunder. It was definitely an intimidating sound from so close, but then again it was somehow soothing. It gave me a clearer mind when I thought during a storm. Listening to the thunder rumble and clap, the rain coming in occasional drops on the roof and window panes, turning into louder and more harsh drops, the wind rustling hard through the tree branches. Then the raindrops going back to the soft occasional drops, then just hearing thunder claps, fading slowly, slowly, slowly. Then utter silence.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone rings the door bell. Ms. Carrie started to stand when I stood up and motioned her down. I went to answer.

There stood Ms. Prentiss. Her hair was soaking wet, as well as her clothes.

"Oh gosh! Get in here now!" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in, slamming the door behind her.

"Are you okay?!" I ran to the bathroom to grab a clean towel, then to my room to bring the heater. I went back to the living room, where Ms. Prentiss was sitting there shivering, her skin tone pale. Ms. Carrie was nowhere to be seen, until I heard some movement in the kitchen. She started making some tea.

I went over to the shivering lady and threw the towel over her head, then plugged the heater into the nearest outlet. I turned it up to 78°F. I went over and started rubbing her hair with the towel.

About 8 minutes later, I was finished. Ms. Prentiss' clothes were now dry and she stopped shivering. She had gotten her color back, maybe a little darker red. Ms. Carrie handed her the tea. " Drink up, dear. It's a Theraflu honey lemon tea, with extra honey and lemon added. I also melted a cough drop in it to soothe and prevent a sore throat." The younger woman took the cup and cautiously sipped. Her eyes widened and she deepened it to a gulp. "Mm, that's one mean cup of tea." She rested her head back and closed her eyes. Ms. Carrie gave a relieved chuckle.

She walked down the hall and tied her silver hair up in a bun. "I'll be in my room you two." She opened the door and disappeared into her room.

I looked back at the raven haired lady in front of me. "What are you doing still here? Aren't you supposed to take off for the twelve hours you have? I thought Agent Rossi and Ms. Garcia were going to patrol for the evening?"

"Well, that was the plan, until it started raining. I hadn't brought my car, me and Reid walked over here. And he was lucky, since he left early. I was caught in the storm though." She chuckled, causing me to smile and shake my head.

Finally Ms. Garcia and Agent Rossi had come for the evening watch. Ms. Garcia took Ms. Prentiss to the hospital, because she was having a headache, on top of sore throat and dizziness. It was only Agent Rossi, Ms. Carrie and I.

We were in the living room, Ms. Carrie resting in her bedroom. I made a cup of coffee, black with two teaspoons of sugar, for the agent. I recognized him from the books he wrote. My parents always took them from the library. He was another reason why they became officers. I smiled at the thought of them, all positive ones though.

"I remember your parents." I snapped up at his voice. Then I remembered what he said. "What do you—"

"I finally know where I remember their names from, Preethi and Rajan. 13 years ago, I was at a local bookstore in Houston for a book signing when I heard a commotion. Apparently, there was a young couple, the wife was pregnant and she was in labour. Unfortunately, the local hospital was busy and all the ambulance trucks were already taking care of other emergencies. The young couple didn't have a car either, and the hospital was 20 minutes away. "

"Me, being the young detective I was, and a service to the community, I ran out of the bookstore and to the apartment building. There was the young couple. The wife was crying in pain and the husband was by her side. He was so nervous. I helped the wife up and got her outside. There was a car driving by and I ran in front of it. The owner got out of his car and tried to pick a fight. I was going to fight back when I looked back at the wife. Her cheeks had tear stains and fresh ones were making there way down. She was now wailing in pain and her legs were giving out. "

"I looked back at the car owner and reached into my jacket with both hands. In the left I held my badge. In the right I held my gun. I pushed the gun up to his forehead and looked him straight in the eye. ' Houston Methodist Hospital, NOW'"

"Without another word, he started his car back up and drove us three to the hospital. When we arrived, I stole a stretcher from one of the nurses and helped the husband get the young woman into it. I got ahold of one of the delivery doctors. The whole staff was in shock, but they tended to the young wife and helped her to a healthy delivery and the start of her family. "

"I stayed in the waiting room that night, nothing else on my mind except for the condition of the new family. The doctor came up to me, still a little bit in shock, but showed me to the room."

"The couple looked up at me and smiled, tears filling both their eyes. The wife handed her baby to her husband and started coming out of her bed. I insisted that she stay put, but she was stubborn. She weakly walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and shook the husband's hand. I held the little baby, a girl it was. They wanted me to give her a middle name as a thank you. It was Marie. Her full name was Leah Marie Kurian."

I stared at him and shock, and he looked up at me and gave me a small smile and half a nod. "Yes, Leah. I was there for the day of your birth. And, though I was only a small help, according to your parents, I had saved your life."

I felt tears form in my eyes and heard myself whimper. I don't know what it was from, sadness, joy, thankfulness, but it was definitely the first time I heard about that. The man in front of me saved me from dying. I looked at him in a whole new perspective. All I could manage, before gulping down a sob, was "Thank you".

He smiled before looking down at my knee. His brows furrowed. I looked down and noticed that my fingers were drumming a tune on my knee. I stopped and laughed nervously. "I do that when I feel many emotions at once." But it's been such a long time since I last did it.

"You play piano?" I nodded, smiling a bit. Oh how I missed the soft tune the gorgeous instrument made. It's been a whole year since I last played.

It's been a long time since I did something else. I looked up shyly at the detective. "Would you like to play a game of checkers?"

He grinned and nodded. "Are you good?"

My shyness turned to confidence. "You bet. I was the president in the seniors checkers club in Houston!" The detective threw his head back and laughed, leaving me to chuckle. I brought out the checker board and we played a few games, me and Agent Rossi tying 3-3. In the middle of the 7th game, I thought about how lucky I was to at least have these people by my side. The thought made me smile, before I lost the game.

Prodigy Case (Criminal Minds Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now