Chapter 2

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~ Emily's P.O.V ~

While Morgan drove us to Ms. Carrie's house, Rossi and I looked over the crime scene pictures again. The street was only 10 minutes away so we got to the house quickly.

Morgan knocked on the door. Answering the door was an officer from the VAPD.

Morgan took out his badge and held it up. The officer stepped aside and said " Follow me."

The officer lead us to the kitchen, where another officer was sitting with an elderly woman and a girl. They all looked up at us.

I walked up to the group and said "My name is Agent Prentiss. These are my colleagues, Agent Morgan and Agent Rossi." I motioned to the two. "We're from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Leah, Ms. Carrie, we would like to ask you two some questions. " I looked at the two officers and they nodded their heads, leaving to the entrance of the house.

I looked at Ms. Carrie. Her silver hair was tied back in a bun. She was wearing a baby blue shirt covered by a white shawl and some black pants. Her blue eyes were covered by thick black rimmed glasses.

I looked at Leah. Her long black hair was in a ponytail. Over her olive skin was a red flannel over a black shirt and some light blue skinny jeans. She looked exactly like what she did on the news. Her eyes were amber, outlined on the bottom lids with, what I'm guessing, is kajal, an organic eyeliner that is made in India.

I took a seat. "Leah, before your parents were murdered, did something seem weird about them? Did they seem like they were hiding something from you? Were they more anxious, do things that they usually didn't do?"

Leah sighed out. She thought deeply about what she would say. "Well, a week before we moved from Houston, we got a call with the same caller ID, Unknown Number. The voice was almost exactly the same to the one I got two days ago. The guy asked if he could talk to my parents. When the call ended, they seemed really freaked out, like something had happened and they were trying to take it all in. They started acting really weird. They were really protective of me. They were calling me more when I was home alone, keep telling me to stay with Ms. Carrie and they'll pick me up. They were suspecting my friends or teachers, male ones, for no reason at all. I tried to ask what was going on but they said nothing at all. They would change the subject. I knew that something was going on, but I didn't interfere because I trusted them. But all this trusting them got them to this..." She hung her head, hiding her saddened expression. I reached over to rub her on the back. She looked up at me with watery eyes, then looked down again and sniffed. "A lot of people have been saying they are sorry for me, that everything will be alright. But right now I don't need their pity for me. I need either my parents or I need to avenge my parents." Two tears fell out of her eyes and onto her lap. She sniffed a few times before standing up and walking to the hallway and into a room, closing the door quietly behind her.

I looked at Ms. Carrie who had a sad expression held on her face. She looked up at me and said "Leah has barely spoken to me since her parents...Preethi and Rajan were such nice, strong, loving people. Leah loved them dearly, because she had nothing else to love. No brothers or sisters, no pets, no relatives that live nearby even. She worked the hardest to see their happy faces every day. To know that she had to see something so horrid makes you want to do everything in your power to make her forget everything. She is such a sweet, intelligent, beautiful, hard working child. She never deserved what has happened, but unfortunately, it has happened." She took both of my hands in hers, gently gripping them. "Please, find the one who did this to her parents. Find him and make him pay for his mistakes." She looked at me, a hard expression on her face, but her eyes were deeply saddened. I nodded, saying "We will do everything we can to find the criminal. No matter what, we will." I looked back at her, trying to keep a firm expression. She let go of my hands, sitting back in her chair, and said "Good".

We stayed longer to ask Ms. Carrie a few more questions, then left. On our way back, I thought about what Leah and Ms. Carrie had said. Leah seemed like this murder had changed her life, which it did. But I was going to do everything in my power to find the Unsub.

My thoughts were stopped when I heard Morgan say "Hello, Morgan to Prentiss, are you their?" This time, Rossi was driving, Morgan was in the passenger seat, and I was in the back.

I sighed. "Sorry Morgan, what were you saying?"

He looked at me with a serious expression. "Emily, are you okay? You keep zoning out on the conversation. You're thinking about Leah, aren't you?"

I looked at him and said "How do you not think about what happened to her? She's going through a lot Morgan. She lost all her family members and she has no one to go to except her neighbor, a retired doctor. She doesn't even know if she'll be kidnapped or not, if she's safe at all." I looked down, thinking about my past in Paris. "I know how it feels, I know how she feels."

Morgan, still staring at me, said "I know Prentiss. But you can't get attached to this case, or to Leah, or else you're going to get yourself hurt."

Rossi spoke up. "Don't worry, Emily. We'll find him."

All I could do was give them a half smile and turn to look out the window. Would we catch the killer?

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