Chapter 5

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~Leah's P.O.V.~

At 1 o' clock, Ms. Carrie was taken into custody and they decided that they were going to have two FBI officers watch me, cycling every twelve hours. This morning, it was Agent Prentiss and Doctor Reid who escorted me to the funeral. Then we went back to...I don't know whose house it is anymore. I changed my clothes and then was taken to the police station. They asked me multiple questions about Ms. Carrie. Then a really dressy lady named Ms. Garcia walked me out and to a cafe where she treated me to lunch. I wasn't going to accept, but before I could say anything she dragged me out.

" What would you like?" Her dark brown eyes stared into my amber ones. I broke from her gaze and looked at my choices. Did they have Earl Grey? I was really craving some. Thankfully they did.

I looked down at the cashier and said One cup of Earl Grey with 2 tablespoons of honey and some lemon juice and..." I looked at the pastries. "Ooh, you have Indian egg puffs now? I'll take one!" I exclaimed.

Ms. Garcia ordered something for herself. Then we sat down at a random table. Ms. Garcia had a lot of questions. Personal ones, not too personal though, thank goodness. What my favorite color is, if I can cook a mean meal, hobbies, if I play an instrument. The weirdest one was what eyeliner I use. Honestly, I didn't think it mattered for her, because she's already really pretty and colorful and bubbly. She doesn't need kajal.

We were talking on and on and on until her phone rang.

"Sorry, I gotta take this" she said.

"That's fine, take your time" I replied.

She walked out to the entrance and answered the phone. I relaxed in my chair and thought for a little bit. But my thoughts were soon interrupted by our bell.

I stood up and stretched before walking over to the counter. I picked up our tray and walked back to our table. Ms. Garcia was already sitting down and had her face in a laptop.

I sat down and took my first bite before looking back up at Ms. Garcia. I took a few more bites before she brought out her phone. She dialed a number and talked to her boss...Agent Rossi I think it was. Then she hung up and sighed, stretching a bit before looking around. Then she looked at me, then down at her plate of food, and started to eat.

She was eating, but she didn't look like she was enjoying it at all. She wasn't talking much either. I stopped eating and asked "Is everything okay?"

She didn't answer or look up. I asked a few more times with no answer there either.

I reached my hand over to hers and set it down. She looked up at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"Are you okay?" I looked at her face as she tilted her head in confusion. "Ever since you got off that phone call with Agent Rossi, you looked horrible. Is it about the case?" She looked away and took her hand back. I sighed. "Its okay. You don't have to say anything."

We ate the rest of our lunch in silence, with maybe one or two things to talk about. We left earlier than expected. I went back to the house and found Ms. Carrie there, sitting on the lining room couch. Instantly I felt ten pounds lighter.

I ran to her and hugged her tightly before bombarding her with questions.

"What happened? Did they do anything to you? Why'd they let you out? Are you okay? How-"

"She proved herself not guilty of killing your family..." said a deep voice from behind her. There stood a tall man in a suit with a white dress shirt and blue tie. He had short Raven hair and small eyes on a stone hard face. I shifted, standing straight up, and silently gulped.

But I saw something beyond the eyes, a strong feeling. What was it? Love for somebody? Maybe his family? Whatever it was, it made me ease a little bit.

He extended his hand toward me. "I'm Agent Aaron Hotchner," he said in his low, monotone voice. "I work in the..."

" Federal Bureau of Investigation. " I blurted without realizing. I tensed. That was my voice. "I-I remember your name. My parents used to talk about you and your team a lot. About how wonderfully you would handle each case that came in your hands. I bet they're honored to have you taking their case." I grinned at him. He looked shocked, then gave me a small smile. There was a softness in his face and a gleam in his eyes.

"I'm happy to help anytime, Ms. Kurian..."

Eww, what the heck was he doing calling me that? "Please call me Leah. Ms. Kurian doesn't settle with me," I replied, giving a small, dramatic shiver. He laughed silently.

"Anyway, I want to apologize to you, Ms. Carrie. We falsely accused you and questioned you. We are very sorry."

"Oh, that's okay. I don't blame you for thinking it was me." She smiled up at Agent Hotchner.

"Agent Hotchner..."

"Please Leah," he said "call me Aaron, or Hotch."

"Oh I could never do that." I put my hands up defensively and waved them. "Not to an adult. My parents would never forgive me. I'll just call you Mr. Hotchner." I put my hands to my side and smiled, earning a smile from him.

"Well, I should be going now. I'll contact you if we find anything. Have a good day." He opened the front door and left.

Prodigy Case (Criminal Minds Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora