Chapter 19

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~David's P.O.V.~
I squeezed the phone as I listened to what Garcia told me.

"Are you sure...what do you mean...really...oh good gracious...alright, thank you Garcia." I hung up and stick the phone in my pocket. I grab a bulletproof vest and put it on.

"Sir", I hear someone call. I look behind me. Morgan and Reid walk up to me.

I stop them. "I have to go in by myself."

"Sir, we're coming."

"You wouldn't understand the situation."

"I was molested as a kid. I'm sure I can handle it." Damn, Derek was stubborn, but I'm not bringing him in.

I stepped up to him so that we were a  mere foot apart. He was looking down at me, but it was that he was intimidated.

"No." I stepped aside. Morgan tried to stop me, but Reid kept him back. A few other officers tried to stop me, but I disregarded them, asking the hostage negotiating officer where Leah and Onodera were located. He gave me the answer and warned me, knowing better than not to tell me not to go.

I stepped inside. It felt odd to not see or hear anything. Especially since this was a hospital. Gun in hand, propped and steady, I cautiously moved through the hallways. I used the fire exit stairs to move up to the top floor, since the power was shut down.

When I reached that floor, my legs were slightly sore, but I learned at a young age to tune out all the pain, so I paid no attention to it.

I was especially cautious here, looking through each room. It wasn't till I reached the last hallway that I noticed something. There was the voice of a man speaking. I moved closer to the door and listened closely.

~Leah's P.O.V.~

My mouth was dry. My stomach felt like it was turned inside and back again. I'm sure by the time I walked again, my legs would be weak. My whole body is aching from sitting in the same position for what I'm guessing has been two days. I was so tired.

Mr. Onodera never left my side. Before he would walk out in a doctor's uniform, clipboard in hand. Eventually, the lights went red and there was an alarm sounding. I didn't seen much because I was facing away from the door, but people were screaming, and there was the intense sound of pounding feet against the floor as people ran out.

Now, it was just me and Mr. Onodera. He's been sitting in the floor, quiet since he came back after all the commotion. His eyes have only been on me, but they were ink black and lifeless. I wouldn't look at him. I felt disgusting when I did. I kept my eyes on the wall in front of me.

Without my realization, Mr. Onodera got up and walked over to me. He knelt down right in front of me and reached for the tape on my mouth. I tried to back away, but he reached it anyways. He stripped it off of my mouth and threw it to the floor. His hand touched my chin and positioned my head so that we locked eyes.

He was a good looking guy, really. His skin was intensely pale. His face was the slightest bit sunken, enough for it to be well structured. His hair was in a short faux hawk, highlighted at the front tips. His small eyes weren't a dark brown, nor almost black. They were black, as if his pupils were dilated so much that you couldn't see his irises anymore. His eyes made me recoil as much as I could.

His grip on my chin was strong, despite it being only two fingers. He pulled my chin closer until our foreheads were touching. I caught him taking a longing glance at my lips.

"What are you-" his lips were mere centimeters apart from mine, and closing in more, when I realised what his intentions were.

"No, wait, please, STOP!" My heart was racing and I felt the heat rise in my body. Our lips were only grazing each other when I slumped helplessly.

Please, I thought. Somebody please help me.

"DON'T MOVE ANOTHER INCH", boomed a familiar voice.

Prodigy Case (Criminal Minds Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum