Chapter 17

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~Savannah's P.O.V.~

I keep my eyes on Spencer as I have been the past few hours. This is becoming ridiculous. What was in that bullet? The symptoms were unpredictable. He's looking more and more weak by the hours. He's more gaunt and pale. There are doctors of all sorts surrounding him. We've run countless MRI's, CT Scans, colonoscopies, and a whole bunch of other tests. It doesn't look like there is any other internal damage besides the bullet wound. The bullet entered his stomach. The doctors are thinking that the chemical entered his stomach through
the blood stream and mixed with his stomach acids to create some bad reaction, causing the vomiting. Coughing up blood is still being determined. But we suspect that at this rate, he'll only survive till tomorrow night. He was moved to one of the hospital rooms after a while, with nurses constantly checking on him. I was given permission to stay with him the whole time.

While I thought about this, I noticed Spencer's hand moving, making weird shapes. It wasn't until a few seconds later that I realized he was spelling in sign language. I didn't know how that was possible, but it was happening. I knew a bit of the sign language alphabet, Derek knew more. But I focused on what he was spelling. I wrote it down on a pen and paper.



I needed to bring Derek in.

Without hesitation, I ran out the door and into the waiting room. Derek was sprawled across three of the waiting room chairs, passed out. Normally I wouldn't bother him because he looked so peaceful. But now was not the time to take in the good looks of my husband. I had to wake him up. I knelt down beside him and shook him. "Derek, Derek, wake up..."

His eyes fluttered open and landed on me. "Savannah?" Then his eyes shot fully open and he sat up. "What's going on? Is Reid okay?"

"It's been the same until just now. His hands started moving and I realized he was spelling out in sign language. He spelled out 'Get Morgan'. Whatever it is, I needed to tell you right away."

"You were right to do so. Can you bring me into the operating room?"

"He was moved to a hospital room."

"Even better, show me to it." We both got up and ran to his room.

~David's P.O.V.~

I woke with a start to my phone ringing. I sighed and picked it up. The caller I.D. said Morgan. I pressed the talk button and held the phone to my ear. "Rossi,"

"Rossi, do you have a minute?"

I looked at my clock. "2:00 a.m., you better have something good for me."

"It's about Reid." At the sound of his name I sat up in bed and listened closely.

"He started signing while unconscious." I couldn't believe what he heard.

"He did what?"

"Sir, he was spelling out in sign language while he was unconscious."

"Morgan, please, if this is your idea of a joke, please hang up. We will never speak of this again."

"Sir, with all do respect, if I was in the joking mood, I wouldn't do it two hours past midnight."

"He was unconscious, but still performing sign language?! Morgan, do you realize what it is that you are saying?"

"I know, sir. I sound like a complete idiot, but it's true. Savannah was watching him and he spelled out 'Get Morgan' in sign language."

I sat there stunned. "And...?"

"Okay, so I got into the room, and sure enough he is unconcsious and his fingers were spelling out 'Get Morgan'. After a while, he started spelling out something about visiting Gideon and having a chess game with him-"

I cut him off. "If this is about his dreams during his unconsciousness, it seems irrelevant."

"I'm just getting to the relevant part, sir. He said that Gideon gave him the information we needed to solve the rest of the case and the treatment for him."

Realizing the name he spoke so coolly, I rose from my bed and stood up straight. "Say what?! Gideon?! Jason Gideon?! Derek, he's dead!"

"I don't believe it either, sir. But the information seemed pretty solid and relevant to the case." I scratched the back of my neck and sighed. I was so not in the mood to take any jokes, but I wasn't in the mood to not listen for that matter.

"What did he...sign?" I shook my head at how ridiculous I had sounded. Jeez, what seems like light years at the BAU and I'm listening to what an unconscious thirty year old spelled out in sign language? Guess all that training in years past led to this very moment. This is my fate.

Prodigy Case (Criminal Minds Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now