Chapter 6

761 18 4

// Song \\

Is there somewhere ~ Halsey


Jason's pov:

I have 3 minutes left and only one wire cut. There's 5 wires on this. I can rush and maybe mess up and or rush and finish. This is just a quick homemade bomb, and by the looks will only destroy this house.

" Brandon, I can't get it in time." I got up and ran to Laurens room.
" what are you doing?"
" grabbing anything that she would care losing."
" you're just going to let it destroy the house then?"

" yeah! I don't have any other options." I grabbed note books and baby books. After I stuffed two bags of Laurens things I checked my timer.
" Brandon let's go." I grabbed his arm and went running out the door.
Before I shut it I looked back.

" well Jason I'm proud you're making that change in your life." Mary lee said giving me a glass of water.
"Thanks Lee. It means a lot coming from you."
I heard a noise in the other room it alarmed me.

" it's just the air condition. Paul is at work and Laurens at school."
" just making sure."
" so Jason how did you meet Jake?"

"We met in school, but I got kicked out and did home school."
" how did you guys stay in touch?"
" well we both played hockey. And Alex played too so we all stayed together."
" okay keep going."

" when I turned 13 Alex introduced me to the gangs, when I turned 16, Alex and I started our own gang. Jake was my best friend at the time so I obviously had him join."
"Well you're lucky you had a choice into it." She walked into the living room.

" what's this?" I asked as she sat at the couch with a notepad and pen.
" a little project I've been working on."
" that's fun."
" yeah. I guess."
" what's it for?"
" Lauren. For when I die."

I looked at her.
" are you scared?"
She laughed.
"Honey, you can't be scared of reality, it's going to happen at some point, my times just coming a little earlier then expected."

I looked at her confused.
"I'm more scared for Lauren if you want me to be truthful."
"She'll be okay I promise."
" I believe you, it's just the time in between my death and you actually taking her I'm worried about."

" I would take her from the hospital if I could."
" no no, you gotta give her time or she won't cooperate with you."
" I don't think she's going to cooperate with me kidnapping her either." Lee laughed and continued to write.

" Jason, you forget something?" I looked at Brandon.
" no it just sucks, this is how it has to end." I closed the door.
" listen unless we want it to be our end we better go." Brandon ran.
I looked at my timer.
39 seconds.


I got my keys and ran to the car.
I slammed on the gas and we went flying.
We made it far enough to not hear the explosion luckily.

I don't get emotional about things like that but, not having that house there anymore is going to hurt a bit.

Laurens pov:

"You know Jason. He would've killed me if I told you." Jess said sitting in the lounge chair next to me.
" he wouldn't have killed you." I said rolling my eyes.

She looked at me deeper.
"Okay he might have killed you, but Tyler Is the one who told him and he can't kill Tyler because he's going to be his brother in law and he's Alex's wing man sooo."
" i would still be dead tho."
" whatever, we-" I started coughing.

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