Part 15

318 13 14

\\// It's Called: free fall -
                        Rainbow Kitten Surprise \\//

Great great great song ^

( side note: omg I just cracked my fricken wrist so hard)

Jason's Pov:

"Please fasten seat belts the plane will be landing in 15 minutes, welcome home guys." Rick said over the speaker.
I held Lauren's hand and she smiled looking over at the little girl we are bringing home.
" she looks so excited." Lauren leaned to me and whispered.
"I couldn't imagine being in her position." I said lowly.
"She was forced to be a woman at 14, I couldn't either."
I smiled at her, she doesn't know how strong she truly is.

When the plane finally landed Hailey practically jumped out of her seat in excitement.
"Wow there young sport the plane is still parking."
"You guys have no Idea. My mom, MY MOM! I get to see my cat and my friends." She was close to tears she was so happy.
She ran and gave me a hug in excitement.

"Still fragile handle with care please." I said smiling after she let go.
"Alright kids lets go." Rick smiled and opened the door releasing the stairs.
"Thanks bud." I pat him on the back and walked down the stairs slowly after Lauren.

"I officially feel like an old woman." Lauren laughed after taking 5 minutes to get down the stairs.
"We did break like 20 bones each." I said as we finally reached the ground.
"Don't forget you got your last rights." Hailey added as we walked to my car.
"I can drive." Lauren took my keys out of hand.
"Yeah sure go right ahead fine by me." I said sarcastically.
Truth is I can't drive right now with the condition my legs are still in, which sucks but Lauren isn't as bad at driving anymore.... I mean she's still not good, well has a lot of improving to do... a lot, but it's just for now she's doing this.
"Alrighr Hailey, do you know where we are right now?"
"Yes'm you are going to take a right leaving here." Hailey responded.
"Amazing." I Said helping Hailey get in the car.
"Alright let's get this show on the road, ha get it?" Lauren started laughing while starting the car and driving it out the airport.
"I'm glad the car accident didn't break your amazing humor." Hailey said laughing.
"Can't break something that isn't there.." I said under his breath.

Lauren squinted her eyes at me.
"Ew that was rude."
"It was a joke." I made a kissy face and directed her to look at the road.
"Here put your address in my phone." I handed my phone to Hailey so Lauren could look off it.
She quickly did and it said we were 5 minutes from her house.
"So what's the first thing you plan on doing when you get home?" Lauren asked.
"Take a shower in my house."
"Oh yes that it always a good feeling." Lauren confirmed.

"If you guys aren't busy on Sunday, I would still really love if you guys came to church with me." hailey said very innocently.
I looked over at Lauren and she looked at me.
"We'll see." I said smiling to her.

"I also want to still dye my hair back."
"Oh thank god." I said in relief Lauren didn't like the blond.
"I'm not feeling this blonde."
"Yeah isn't that weird!"hailey said moving her hair to the side of her
"Wait your hair isn't blonde?"
"Nope I have Brown hair. They always kept my hair bleach blonde to make me look different." Hailey tried smiling through her hurt.
"Does anyone in your family know you're coming home?"

"No I couldn't remember their numbers."
"Well we are here." Lauren pulled into a driveway.
"Oh my goodness... I'm nervous."
"You'll be okay!"
"Will you guys come with me." Hailey asked Jason and I.
"Sure!" We both got out the car and walked up to the front door.
She rang the doorbell and we all stood there in silence until we heard someone unlock the front door.

Immediately Haileys eyes went big as her little brother opened the door.
"Momma MOMMA!" He screamed.
" привіт Джеремі" She said in a different language.
"Oh my God it's you!" He ran towards her and started crying.
A lady came walking to the door with a phone pressed to her ear.
"Dave I  get to Jonah's schoo-" She spoke in a heavy Ukrainian accent, she dropped her phone immediately and stared at hailey.
"divchynka?" Her eyes watered and she walked up to her hugging her.
"Momma" hailey hugged her.
The moment was so favorabled, but Lauren and I stood there awkwardly.
"Halie you brought friends who are these people?" The mother walked up to us.
"Mom this is Jason and Lauren. They are the people who saved me."

This is it ( Taken 3 ) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang