Chapter 10

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// Bad at love - Halsey \\

Jason's pov:

As we pulled up to the club, I saw jess and ari walk out the club with someone holding their arms.
I immediately stopped the car and got out aiming my gun at the guy.

" let them go right now."
" fine here." He let go and they went running to me.
That was awfully easy...

I got two, where's the third?

" Ariana!" Brandon got out the car behind me and ran to her.

I looked forward and shot the guy down to the ground then ran over to him.
" where's Lauren?!"
"that's specified information." He coughed up blood.
" tell me now!" I said as I started to choke him.

" good... luck.." his eyes turned into a glare and his heart stopped beating.
He was dead.

" I'm going to kill every last one of them."
" Jason wait!" Jess stopped me.
" what!"
" there are little girls in there, you can't shoot it up like that."

" well where the fuck is Lauren?"
" I don't know I was separated from her as soon as we got out the van. A tallish tan guy took her."

I closed my eyes in frustration.
"Wait I'm getting a signal!" Fredo said from the car.
" for her tracking device?"
He looked at me and rolled his eyes,
" no for the closest icecream shop. Yes her fucking tracking device."
" alright, girls, you go with Ryan and Brandon, they will take you on the jet, take one car, then yo Elliott!" I called him over.
" what's up?"

" take the car Brandon was driving and follow us."
" they are at 94022 Los Altos. That's about an hour away."
" an hour can be changed to 20 minutes real quick, lets go."
We all got in our cars and started to drive.
" they aren't there." And guy came walking out from the club.

" who the fuck are you?"
" I know where they are." The guy winked at me and turned around and walked towards the club.
I motioned to the guys in the parking lot.
Great more stall time.

Lauren's pov:

" I've been waiting for this." He kissed my lips as he rubbed his body against mine.
" you met me an hour ago how have you been waiting for this?" I asked looking up at him.
"You think I met you an hour ago." His lips moved down my neck.

" no now, you're explaining." I said moving myself quickly from him.
He looked at me.
" I can't believe you never noticed." He laughed.
" what?" I snapped back.
" I've been stalking you for a couple years now. I left you letters. Everywhere you looked I made sure you knew I was there."

" I don't follow..." I said confused.
" we even had a conversation. Remember, on the beach."
Now it all made sense.
" you're nicks spy." I said backing away from him even more,
" well... yeah." He chuckled.
" get away from me."

" come on we were getting along so well." He grabbed my waist.
" I said get away from me." I went to stand up but he dragged me down and held me pinned to the bed.

I looked up at him with hope he would break and let me go.
But that was the last thing he wanted.
"Would you rather me go get Nick?" He said reaching towards my pants.
"That's what I thought."

He unzipped my pants and moved them a little.
I started to get nervous.
He put his hands on the side of my stomach, I went to move them away and he quickly held my wrists.
" I can make this not a problem." He said referencing my hands.
" what do you mean."
" the more you fight it the quicker you are to punishment." He said squeezing my wrists harder.

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