Part 11

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The prologue- Halsey

________________________________Lauren's Pov:

"In the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Father god I pray -"
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

"They pulled it earlier ."
"It's his fault."
" look at the security cameras, they were sitting at the light."
" we will get you home soon."

" we aren't pulling hers."
" give it some time."

I am a child of a
Money hungry, prideful country
Grass is green and it's always sunny
Hands so bloody, tastes like honey
I'm finding it hard to leave

An echo roamed through my head.
My head hurt.
My eyes were closed.
I could feel my body but I didn't have control over it.

Okay Lauren go through the basics:
My name is Lauren Martinez I am 19 years old.
I'm engaged to Jason McCann.
My mother died.
and my father lives in Italy.

A lot of things have happened to me in the past month.
The last thing I remember is being kidnapped by some gang called Prius.
I've been sick with the flu.
Elliott saved me.
Jason took me.
We left to go to Alex's
I don't know where I am now.

I felt someone's hand on mine.
I can't hear any voices though.

"Give it time."

Tyler's Pov: (new)

"Hey babe." I walked over to Lisa on the couch.
"I missed you!" She got up and hugged me.
I've been in new York for the past couple of weeks.
"So what's the gang up to now?"
"Well Jason and Elliott got Lauren from this mansion one of the gang leaders or something like that owned. They are probably on their way home right now."
" home as in here?"
" yeah, depending on Lauren, Ari, and Jess's health, we don't know how long they'll be here."
"I think Lauren hates me."
" you've been around her twice, she barely knows you, she doesn't hate you."

" how do you know?" She asked turning towards me.
" because I know my sister, love."
She smiled her bright pearly whites and rolled her ice blue colored eyes.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my face and she kissed me. She made her way over my body while kissing me.

My phone started ringing.
She grabbed it on the table for me and handed it to me.
" it's Alex."

When I answered he sounded upset.
" they are in the Hospital." Alex said. I sprang up.
"What the fuck happened to them?"
"They got into a car accident."
"It was Nick." My anger built up and I screamed while punching a wall.
" we have ariana and jess and this girl from the club who lives in New York. I'll tell you more when you get here, you might want to come quick though."
" leaving now." I ran and grabbed my keys.
" do you want to come?" I asked Lisa.

"No it's okay, I'll let you have your time alone. I work soon too so I'll just see you later." She gave me a sympathy smile and I ran out to my car quickly.
I sped to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, because it's honestly the best ER in this city.

Last time Lauren was in a car accident, it wasn't good. I can only hope that this isn't as bad.oh god I can only hope that.

When I pulled up to the emergency entrance I parked and paid the meter and ran inside.
I went through a metal detector and ran to the front desk.
" my sister is in here. I need to see her!" I said skipping everyone in line.
A lady came up to me.
" name?"

" her name is Lauren Martinez. I'm Tyler Martinez."
" okay she's being worked on right now, you can go over and have a seat, there are other people here for her too."
I walked over and everyone was sitting whispering among themselves.
" what's going on?"
" they were on their way back." Elliott said.
" Nick ran his car right into them at the stop light." Ariana said holding tears back.

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