Chapter 3

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I stopped the car next to her got out and ran to her side. I picked her up in my arms hugging her close to my body. When our lips touched it felt like the first time we met. She got a cheeky smile on her face, making me smile with her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and just kept holding onto me. It felt like at any moment I was going to blink and she was going to be gone from my life. I loved her with all my heart and I couldn't see my life without her.

She let go of me and grabbed one of the boxes that was out on the side way. She gave me her cutest smile and held the box out towards me.

"Ready to move to our new home." Her blue eyes were shining more than ever.

"More than ready." I kissed her on the cheek and the smile on her face grew a bit more.

We packed all the boxes on the back of the truck and we knew it was finally time for us to start our life together as one under the same roof.

When we got into the car she changed the radio to the music of the world as she found my Christian music boring.

She sang most of the songs that came onto the radio, even if it had swear words in them and I was shocked to my core by some of the music that came on, as they used the Lords name utterly and I found it rude.

She started singing some metal song and it made my skin shiver, I quickly switched the radio off and went back to focusing my attention on the road. I could feel her eyes burning into my skin and it made me uncomfortable.

"Just because you don't like this music doesn't give you the right to switch the radio off." Did she forget whose truck this is?

"Sorry, it's just sounds like the devil himself is singing it." I got the shivers again just thinking about that song.

"It's called metal or rock music. I like it okay." She switched the radio on and I quickly switched it off again.

"You don't like my music, I don't like your music which means that neither of us will listen to the radio while we are driving, unless we can find something decent we both can listen to..." She brought her knees up to her chest her feet dangling from the edge like she was holding on for dear life.

"Fine, we will listen to Taylor Swift next time." She looked at me and gave me one of her fake smiles.

Even with all this attitude she gave me, I still loved her. We still had a long distance to go before we were finally at our new home. I decided it was time to play a game to break the silence between us.

"Want to play I spy with my little eye?" She looked at me, pulled up her shoulders and looked at the road again.

"Fine I will start then. I spy with my little eye, something beautiful and it belongs to me. Can you guess what it is?"

"Your shoes, your eyes, your heart, your truck and your shirt." I started laughing at her and she just kept looking at me.

"No silly, you are beautiful and you belong to me. Do you know how happy that makes me to say you only belong to me?" She started smiling and I could see her cheeks turning a bright pink.

"I love you Noah and I am sorry that I got angry over the fact that you switched the radio off." She held out her hand towards me and I kissed it showing her that I already forgave her.

"I love you too Abigail."

"Well, my turn, then I spy with my little eye. Something that you live in and we are going to call it ours." Her smile only got bigger and so did mine because we finally arrived at our house.

I hopped out and walked over to her side taking her hand in mine. We took a deep breath and took everything in. She unlocked the front door, she tried stepping inside, but I just pulled her back picking her up in my arms.

"This is where we start our forever." I whispered in her ear and she just kissed me making my insides turn around.

"This is our forever." She let out as our lips parted.

I looked up thanking God with a little bow of my head. He is the reason that I am happy for this joy that I have, the world didn't give it to me.

*So, I want to ask a question. When do you think is the best time to update?

This story is coming along nicely.

Stay sweet xoxo

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