Chapter 17

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The ride home wasn't pleasant at all, it was awkward, silent and thicker than a blanket in the winter. She didn't even give me a glance and I was too afraid to look at her. I wish that things were different, but this is something that we have to deal with.

I will just keep on praying for her and hope that her eyes opens to the world and that she sees the beautiful things that the Lord is doing around here. I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I looked to my side I saw him sitting there.

Whiter than snow was the light that showed around him, he had the biggest smile on his face and the vibe he gave off was happiness.

"Dr Noah...." I looked in front of me pretending not to see him. "Dr Noah, I know you can see me." He pulled at my shirt, but I still kept my eyes on the road.

I cleared my throat and saw Abigail look at me, but she quickly looked away as if I didn't see her looking at me. Caleb pulled at my shirt again, it started getting too much for me, but if I say something now then Abigail will just think that I am crazy.

"Dr Noah, if you don't look at me know then I am going to do something drastic and you are going to regret it." What can he possibly do to make me get his attention?

He grabbed the wheel of the car and we went across the road, I took control of the wheel and got the car back into a straight line.

"Are you crazy?" I shouted from the top of my lungs, making Abigail look at me, maybe at this moment she thinks that I am the crazy one.

"Now that I have your attention Dr Noah, you need to tell her that you're sorry about ever doubting her and that you will be there for her no matter what. She really does love you, your parents are wrong about her and you need to show them that. You just got to hold onto her until she finds God and returns to him. Don't ever give up because God would never give up on you." I looked at Abigail and I realized once again he was right.

"Abby.." She moved a little down in the seat and placed her hand on the window looking at the trees that was passing by.

"Don't Noah, I know what you think of me and I am not happy about that. You know my beliefs and I know yours. I would never change you and you know that. I just wish you stood up for me, but I guess you believed everything that they say." I saw her reflection in the window as she wiped the tears away.

I stopped the car next to the road switching on the hazards, I got out of the car and walked over to her side. I opened the door and took her hand in mine, she got out of the car and kept her gaze on the pine trees in front of her. I knew she was angry at me and she had the right to be but if only she knew what I told my dad. I meant every single word.

"Abby, I have never loved someone more than I love you, I will always be there for you. I didn't say anything in front of my parents because they like arguing until there is nothing to argue about anymore. I told my dad that I love you and that I won't leave you just because of your beliefs. You are the best thing that has happened to me and I don't want that to ever change. Abigail I want to be with you forever and a day. I also know you are the girl that I want to brag about when I am out with my friends or when we are walking down the street." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she got this shy smile on her face.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer, kissing me with more passion than a 50 shades of grey movie. This right here is what I want forever, me and her between the pine trees just kissing and forgetting about the world around us.

I know that God is proud of me at this moment even if I make mistakes. Mistakes makes us and God transforms us.

*Sorry for taking so long to update. I am getting my groove back, I will be finishing this story very quickly. Hope you still enjoy it.

Stay sweet xoxo

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