Chapter 7

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I pulled up into my spot at the hospital. I saw Sarah's car next to mine, which meant she had an early shift at the hospital. She was the perfect person to talk to in my time of need. She knew everything about me and that made her my go to person whenever I needed someone.

I walked into the hospital, she was busy talking to Dr. Daniel Whittaker, he gave her a file and she smiled when he touched her hand. He makes me sick, she was madly in love with him, but he was only using her for one thing. She was too blinded by love to see the real him.

He is a player and an arrogant son of a gun, she deserves someone better than Dr. Daniel Alexander Whittaker. God says don't judge, but he is the type of guy that's reputation goes before him.

Dr Daniel left and Sarah was standing all by herself, I held out my finger and showed her that she should come over. She placed the papers underneath her arm and power walked towards me.

Her blond hair moved from side to side, her smile was magical and her eyes were shining with happiness. She gave me a hug and I kissed her on the cheek.

"How can you love someone like him?"

"With my heart, Noah." Her cheeks got red and she just held onto her heart with her right hand.

"I just don't get it, you deserve someone better than him that's all."

"Someone like you?" She placed her hand on my chest and looked at me tilting her head to the side.

"Not someone like me just someone that treats you with respect and treats you like a princess." I turned around and walked down the hallway.

I could hear Sarah following the way her flats were hitting against the tile floor.

"He does that Noah. You just don't know him like I do also if you take the time to get to know him you would see that." We walked past her office and she hurried inside placing the papers down on her table.

I walked to my office thinking about how I could bring up the subject of my conversation with Abigail. I knew I had to talk to Sarah because it felt like I was going to explode. Before I could close the door, she stepped into my office and sat down on the leather couch.

She looked at her watch and looked at me nodding her head. The ring on her finger caught my attention, it was big and shiny like the sun, it felt like I was blinded by it.

"You're getting married, please tell me it's not Daniel?" I felt a lump in my throat and it made me sick.

"Yeah, I wanted to tell you, but it completely slipped my mind and you had so much to think about with the move and Caleb. It is Daniel and you just have to deal with it, remember Noah you don't own me and I am a grown up." When she spoke I could see happiness shining out of her.

"Well, if God chose him for you then I guess I am happy for both of you."

"Thank you Noah, so what's bothering you?" She knew me better than I sometimes knew myself.

"It's something Abigail said last night. She told me that she is an atheist and she doesn't believe in God." The word atheist made my stomach turn and it felt like my head was spinning. I sat down at my desk, resting my head on my hands.

"Does she have a reason for that?" Sarah touched my hand and it felt like my stomach was calming down.

"The fact that God didn't answer her prayers and took away her mother from her. She also said that no matter how hard she prayed that everything just went wrong." I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Just don't force her to be a Christian again, she will find God on her own again. Don't oversteps the boundaries or you might lose her."

"For a minute there you just sounded like Caleb. He told me the same thing to not push her, but to leave her to find God on her own."

"When did you talk to Caleb? You know he is not with us anymore."

"I know, forget I said something about him. Please don't tell mom and dad about Abigail they will totally freak out and tell me to leave her."

"I promise I won't tell them if you hang out with Daniel for a day." She knew just how to manipulate me.

"Fine I will hang out with him for a day, but nothing more."

We both stood up from our chairs, we both pretended to spit in our hand and held it out towards each other shaking on it. We started this rule when we were children, making sure to never tell our parents each others secret with something in return.

"You're the best little sister in the world."

"And you're the best big brother." I embraced her hugging her close to my chest.

God gave her as my little sister to protect from the ugly world out there until she gets married one day.

*New update, hope you are still enjoying the story.

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Stay sweet xoxo

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