Chapter 11

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The drive back to Dallas was longer than ever, I just kept seeing her eyes in front of me. Her eyes were full of tears when I left. If she was in my shoes she would have done the same. We have always been working together and we also grew together, but now it's my time to grow alone and she also needs to learn how to grow on her own.

I know leaving her alone with Daniel may not be a good thing, but just maybe they could grow together. She loves him and there comes a time in our lives where God send us someone to grow with. I need to grow with Abigail and Sarah needs to grow with Daniel.

I know in the long run she will understand, she still is my sister and we will visit each other a lot. I finally stopped at home, I felt tired and I just wanted to sleep, but I knew that I also had to spend some time with Abigail.

I looked at my watch and the time displayed was 8'O clock, I took the key out of the ignition and kept it my hand. The lights in the street were shining bright with the stars shining even brighter. I stepped through the front door and heard Abigail in her room.

I saw that her bedroom door was closed, I went to the kitchen not wanting to bother her. I opened the oven and saw my food was in there, the work closer to home would also do me well then I would be in time for dinner and Abby and I would be able to spend more time together.

I sat down at the table, taking a bite of the mashed potatoes that was on my plate. I placed my phone down on the table for a few seconds, I then unlocked it and searched for Sarah's name.

'I hope you are better now, I just want to tell you something. I am sorry for not telling you first, I also think it's time for both of us to start working on our own. We have been together since birth and everything we did, we did it as a team. I think it's time for you to grow on your own, so you can realise your own potential. God has a different plan for both of us, he wouldn't have sent me this work if he didn't have that in mind. Always remember you will be my little sister no matter what and I am always there if you want to talk. Just remember that if Daniel hurts you in anyway, that I am going to break him. I love you peanut xxx.'

I pressed the send button and hoped for the best, Abigail was still busy in her room. I placed my plate in the sink and washed my hands getting rid of the smell of chicken. I walked back to the table, taking my phone in my hand and saw that I had one unread message. I unlocked my phone and saw it was from Sarah.

'Don't worry about me, I will be fine, just sad that we won't be working together anymore. I wish you the best and I know God has a plan for both of our lives. You are right, it's time for both of us to spread our wings. I am thinking about taking a job in California and it will be easy to say yes now, Daniel also got a job offer there. I can promise you that Daniel won't hurt me he actually really loves me even if you can't see it. I know you will always be there for me, you need to be you are my big bro, just remember it's vice versa also. I love you more jelly xxx.'

I was happy to hear that she also had a different option and that she was thinking about taking it. She made me so proud to be her big brother. Abigail finally came out of the room, she sat down on the couch next to me. She was dressed up and ready to go, I wasn't sure where she wanted to go and with whom she was going.

"I hope dinner was nice even if it was cold."

"It was lovely babe, thank you." I kissed her on her cheek, I had to say that she really did look beautiful.

"I am going out with the girls, don't wait up for me. I am not really sure where we are going and what we are going to do." She kissed me on my cheek and stepped out the door.

God, please just protect her wherever they are going.

*This was a sad part for me to write because its between a sister and brother saying goodbye.

Hope you still enjoy the story.

Stay sweet xoxo

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