Chapter 18

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Today was going to be a long day, it was the day I dread the most and it finally came around. It was Caleb's funeral.

My heart was beating loudly in my chest and it felt like my knees were weak, my legs couldn't hold my body weight and I sat down on the couch just to calm down a little bit.

I took my jacket off and placed it over the armchair, Caleb's mom came out of the kitchen and handed me a cup of coffee.

"Thank you for coming earlier Noah." She gave me a big smile and disappeared back into the kitchen.

I took the piece of paper out of my pocket and held it tightly hearing the paper crunch underneath my fingers. I was getting nervous at the minute, to be a doctor means that you should under no circumstance get nervous because it could mean that you lose a patient at your hands, but at this moment I didn't care. I just wanted to show the world who and what Caleb was to me and to people around him.

Caleb's dad came into the living room looking at his watch, he showed sadness on his face but a smile whenever he looked up. He pulled his jacket back over his watch and would wait just 5 minutes before looking at his watch again.

Alicia came out giving Ben a kiss on the cheek telling him to calm down, it was sweet how they were with each other. The loved they had was radiant even in a sad time where they lost their little one.

Ben looked at me a disappeared into the kitchen I heard him and Alicia whispering underneath their breaths as I just kept looking at the paper.

Something touched my leg and when I looked to my left Caleb was sitting next to me on the couch he was whiter than usual his smile was bigger, he was happy he was a happy little angel.

"It's going to be okay Dr. Noah." He stood up and walked over to the wall where the family portrait were displayed.

"Caleb, what are you doing here?" I whispered to make sure that Alicia and Ben wouldn't hear me because they would think that I am just some crazy person.

"The question is rather what I am not doing here."

"You can't be here what if your parents see you." I walked to him admiring the portrait as well.

"They can't see me because I am your angel and not theirs. I am your angel meaning only you can see me and not someone else. So if my parents come into the room they would think that you are a mental person talking to a portrait." He took my hand in his and simply just smiled at me. "You say I can't be here but you needed me that's why I am here."

"I don't need you, I don't know what you are talking about Caleb." I nervously started playing with my watch on my wrist.

"You see what I mean, you play with your watch when you get nervous. What are you nervous about Dr. Noah?"

"Like you know your parents asked me to do the eulogy for your funeral and I just want it to be good so that people can see what I saw in you. The amazing person you were before you went to heaven."

"People don't need to see that Dr. Noah, you just need to tell them about my love for the Lord and that would be more than enough. Also tell my mom and dad, that I love them and that they don't need to worry about me, I am doing fine." He gave me one of the prettiest smiles ever.

"They would think that I am weird if I tell them that, they would also ask me how do I know that you are doing fine?" I stopped playing with my watch and sat down on the couch.

I kept looking at Caleb, as if any moment he would disappear and never come back, I enjoyed having him around even if he gave me a fright from time to time.

"I think they would just know, don't be nervous about the eulogy Dr. Noah, you will be fine just be yourself and talk from the heart." He waved goodbye and left with a big smile on his face.

Caleb just made me realize something that every day I should be like a child and not care about what the world thinks of me. God also says that we should be like children, and also have faith like children.

Matthew 18:3 - And said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

*Sorry for taking so long to update, so much has happened to me the last five months. I was in a car accident, had a big operation and also met someone amazing. I am going to try and finish this story as soon as possible. I would also like to publish this book one day.

Thank you for having patience with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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