22. Promise You'll Stay

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A.N. Wow! 415 views! Thank you! *this song helped me when I was in a...not so happy situation. I thought that it goes with this chapter*

Song: On My Own by Ashes Remain

Enjoy ;)

Blake's pov

~2 months after they moved in together ~

My parents kicked me out. I don't have friends. I'm alone. I though before I met him. Kam came in my life out of nowhere and...I am glad that he did.

He helped me even though he didn't know who I was. I was only a stranger to him...still, he let me move in with him.

His sweet and funny personality made me fall for him. But there is something sad in those beautiful eyes of his. I want to help him, I thought.

"Hey...Kam?" I asked unsure of how to start.

"Yea?" He smiled.

"Why...um..." Way to go, Blake! Stupid!

"Hey! You can ask me anything. I won't leave you." He gave me a concerned look.

"Why are you so sad? Do you not like living with me? Did I do something?" I asked and closed my eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Blake...I love staying with you. You are amazing. But... Promise me...that after I tell you my story...you will stay." He whispered the last part. "Because I can't lose you, too."

Tears started to pour down his cheeks and I quickly whipped them away.

"I won't leave you. Okay? But I want to help you...and I can't do that if you don't let me help." I stated.

"Okay." He let out a shaky sigh. "When I was little,I had this crush on my best friend. When we finally figured out our love for each other...a...a car crash happened. I lost my memory..." He told me about his and this guy's relationship, which made me jealous. I didn't know what was so important about that... Until he said something that shocked me. "Then, when we were 17 and I thought that everything was good...he..."

He started sobbing so I moved closer to him and took his hand in mine, to show him that I was there for him.

"His mum called me to go at the hospital. Luke was dying. And I couldn't do anything about it. I was in love with him...and... it may sound weird...but I won't ever stop loving him. After his death, I isolated myself from people. I didn't eat properly...I was a mess." He let out a sad chuckle. "But, one night, I dreamed about him. He told me where to go...to find you... He told me to live a happy life. We met because of him." He smiled, tears still visible in his eyes.

"Well I'm glad we did. But why would he 'send you to me'?" I asked, a bit confused.

"He thought... He thought that I... Will end up loving you as much as I loved him...that I can get over him." He looked down, but I grabbed his face in both omg my hands and looked into his eyes.

"And...was he right?" I asked, but I didn't need an answer. I could see it in his eyes. He fell for me as hard as I did for him.

I brushed my lips with his lightly, wanting to taste him.

"I love you." I told him, then he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a passionate kiss, that soon turned into more ... And I loved every second of it.

A.N. I just wanted to say...
* thank you OreFamzy for voting!!!* .and *thank you all for reading my story*
"The flashback" is almost over... Only one or two chapters left ;)

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