Chapter 11

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Sana's POV

Today's gonna be a long day.Sigh. I thought to myself. Well at least some of them knew what happen. Will they protect me like they say would or just betray me in the end? 

As I was thinking to myself, I saw Krystal and her gang talking to the guys. I saw  Mingyu came to approach me and asked 'Hey,uhmm, Victoria and her friends wants to join us for lunch. Are you okay with it?'. I said ,'Yeah,Sure!' ,not wanting to disappoint him.

Lunch time comes.And the boys with Krystal's members and me sat together during lunch. Jeonghan and Joshua sat beside and infront of me to kind of protect me from them. I saw the smiling faces of the boys talking to the 5 of them.

 Honestly, I felt jealous. I haven't seen their bright smiles though I've lived with them for few days already. But i don't dare to tell them as I'm scared that they would think that I'm clingy. 

'Woah,Krystal you're so nice! I didn't know you like to do charity work! You have a kind heart!' I heard Wonwoo praising Krystal. 'Its no big deal anyways. I have a lot of things that I dont need so why not donate them to those who need it more than me. Am I right Sana?' I chocked on my food as she asked me that question. 

'Y-yea of course! Its a good deed anyway' I said and forcefully smiled to her. She smirked at me but know one noticed as they were busy eating or talking among each other. 

I quickly stood up and carry my tray. 'Guys, uhm I think I'll go first since I have to do something.' They nodded. I walked away from them and went at the counter to return my tray. After that, I took my books for the next lesson from my locker. Once again,a note dropped. 'The Fun Is About To Begin! -Kisses S' It stated. I couldn't  stand the pain anymore. I went to the school's rooftop and bawled my eyes out.

  Why  is this happening to me? What did I do so wrong to deserve this? Why can't I not have a problem for once in my life? Life is so unfair...

As I was crying myself out, someone handed me a handkerchief. I look up to see that person was Yuta, my classmate. 'Life indeed is unfair . But If you were to go through that hardships, I'm sure there would be something wonderful planned for you. There is a saying that goes, There is no rainbow without rain. I'm not sure what kind of problem you are having right now but I hope that you stay strong and solve that problem as soon as possible. Now smile! 'He said and gave  me a warm smile. 

His words sort of gave me strength. In return, I also gave him a smile.' That's better! ' . He exclaimed. Then, we return to class together. I saw Jeonghan's menancing eyes. 'Where did both you went?'  He asked. 'We met each other at the hallway and went to class together thats all.'  Yuta replied coolly. 'O-okay then. Get ready for the next lesson then!' Jeonghan then said.

  ' Wow, Its my first time seeing my brother being speechless. Congrats Yuta-nim for being the first person to trigger my brother. '  I said jokingly and bowed . He laughed and said, ' Well Thank you.' He also playfully bowed back. 

 ' I hope we can hang out soon' He said and smiled again. Damn his smile is gorgeous!  'Of course.Why not?' I replied. 'How about tomorrow after school?' He asked. 'Alright! Can't wait for tomorrow' I said. We both talked to each other till the teacher came as the boys were busy chatting with the girls. But little did I know, among the boys, one of them was watching me with jealousy.


Sorry I updated after a hundred years. I was having writers block :(

Yuta came as a dark horse and who among them is jealous seeing Sana and Yuta?

Yuta came as a dark horse and who among them is jealous seeing Sana and Yuta?

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I just had to include Yuta as he is currently wreaking my bias list xD

Hope you enjoyed this chappie !!

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