Flipping Out

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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

As always, pics, teasers and other goodness will be posted on my blog. Thank you to recklessangel007 for the amazing banner! She took my idea and put it into pictures! Much love, sweets!

Chapter Three: Flipping Out


"So, Bella, how did you get roped in with my crazy fairy-like sister?" asked Emmett. He was huge with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a blue polo shirt with an embroidered logo of Isle Esme.

"She attacked me in a public bathroom," I shrugged.

"Do I want to know?" he snorted.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I wanted a shower, food and a bed. Not necessarily in that order, but I was staying at this luxury resort for free, I could at least talk to them. Erm, talk to Emmett. "I had a minor breakdown in the bathroom."

"Come now, pretty Bella. Tell Uncle Emmett all about it," he said, giving me a warm smile. He wrapped his beefy paw around my body and hugged me close to his muscular chest. What is up with all the hugging? These Cullens appear to be huggers. Well, all of 'em except Edward. He's kind of creepy.

"Um, well?" I stammered. "Long story short is that I was dumped on my wedding day. My ex said that he was gay and that he couldn't get married since he was in love with his roommate, Eric. On the flight down to Dallas, I was hit on a smelly, rancid man with a receding hairline, a suit that was probably made in the 70s, and onion breath. I thought I was going to puke all over him from his cheesy lines and body odor issues. I ran off the plane and I was sobbing at how pitiful my life had become, despite the fact I was on a plane to Isle Esme. Going on my honeymoon, without my groom."

"Where do you live, Bella?" Emmett asked, his hazel eyes growing cold. "Because, I'm going to kick his ass."

"That's what Alice said, too," I shrugged.

"Bella, right now, I know you're probably upset, pissed off and sad, but we'll make sure that your time here at Isle Esme will be filled with excitement and a lot of fun," Emmett promised. "You'll be so tired from all of the fun you'll be having that you won't have time to stress out about your situation with your ex-fiancé. However, a word to the wise..."

"What's that?"

"Stay away from Edward," Emmett said, his hazel eyes taking on a hard glare. "He has issues."

"Don't we all have issues?" I quipped. "I mean, my issue is my ex-fiancé likes to take it in the ass, which is all fine and good but I wish he would have told me PRIOR to our wedding day."

"This is true. Edward's issues are a bit more destructive," Emmett hedged. "He used to be a nice guy but now he's a douche. I love him because he's my brother."


"But...well? Let's just say that he thinks with his little head and not the big one," Emmett explained. "He's driven by his dick."

"Lovely," I said dryly. "I'll steer clear and have my douche-dar on high alert."

"Douche-dar. I like it. Is it like gaydar?" Emmett smirked as he led me up the boardwalk to a huge villa.

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