Questions and Answers

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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

Up next will be Bella's last days at work, moving into the house and going back down to the island for the wedding. We've got one chapter of that transitional stuff, then the wedding (which may be broken up into two chapters, I'm not sure OR going back and forth between both of their POVs), the honeymoon and an epilogue. So, four, possibly five chapters left.

Chapter Thirty-Five: Questions and Answers


Around eight, Alice and Emmett rolled out a massive birthday cake that said 'Over the Hill'! Edward rolled his eyes and blew out the hundred and seven candles on the cake. We were cutting the cake when Anita came down to the pool deck. "Mr. Edward? There is someone asking for you," she said quietly, her eyes wide.

"Anita, I'm not working today," Edward said gently. "Have some cake."

"Thank you, Mr. Edward, but she was insistent that she speak with you," Anita hissed, taking the slice of cake that Edward gave to her.

With a huff, Edward pulled off the skirt, bra and lei. Taking my hand, we walked up to the lobby. Emmett and Alice were on heels, along with Carlisle and Esme. Standing in the lobby was a petite redhead with a stroller. She was bouncing a baby. She looked familiar. "Miss, here is Mr. Edward," Anita said quietly, taking her spot behind the counter.

The woman turned and looked directly at Edward, sneering evilly. "Ah, the illustrious Edward Cullen. The man who ruined my life," she snarled. "My marriage. Everything." She balanced the baby in her arms, showing an adorable three month old baby boy.

"What is this?" Edward asked. He stared at her, his eyes narrowing. "Rhiannon?"

"Meet your son, Edward."


"My son? What are you talking about?" I growled, glaring at her. Rhiannon only glared smugly at me, cradling the head of the tiny red-headed baby.

"Let's bring this into the office," Carlisle said, guiding her behind the front desk. I was sick, nauseated. The only person I'd ever been with without a condom was Bella. I knew they aren't full proof, but I couldn't be a dad. Not yet and certainly not with her.

"Bella?" I whimpered, looking at my fiancée. Her face was hard as stone, her lips pinched. "The kid's not mine. I swear!" Tears formed in her eyes and she turned to leave, running off. My heart shattered as I saw her run away. Mom came over to me, taking my hand. "Mom, I didn' have to make her understand." She wrapped her arms around me as I sobbed quietly in my mother's shoulder.

"Shhhh, it's okay, Edward. Rose and Alice are with her and I believe you. I do. Now, let's go talk to this slut and get to the bottom of this," Mom said, dragging me into the conference room. Rhiannon was seated at the head of the table, cradling her baby as she breast fed him. "You have some nerve."

"Why? Edward's my son's daddy," she said calmly. "He looks just like him."

"Before you go making claims like this, we want proof. A DNA test," Dad snapped. "My son made some poor choices in his life, but he was always safe."

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