Halloween Hijinks

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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

Yeah, that isn't mine.

Up next will be the arrival of Alice and Jasper and Halloween. What should Bella and Edward be for Halloween? (Yes, I want them to be couple-y). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sexy ones even more so. Leave a review with your suggestion! I promise a longer update next time, too! With lemons!

Chapter Twenty-Two: Halloween Hijinks


What the hell just happened? I blinked as I listened to Bella slam the door shut, causing the walls to vibrate. Did we just fight over a god damned pencil? Really? And a digital recorder? I ran my fingers through my hair anxiously as I thought over what happened. Bella's got some ass-kissing to do. Dayum.

Shaking my head, I didn't have time to dwell on it. I needed to finish getting ready, go to the costume shop to pick up our Halloween costumes and then to Sea-Tac to get my sister and her boyfriend. I left my face scruffy and fingered some gel through my hair before jogging to the closet. I swiped some boxer briefs, a pair of dark wash jeans and maroon sweater that I forced myself to buy. It was getting colder and my clothes were obviously more suited for summertime. Even the clothes down in Brazil were geared to summer. I spent a pretty penny on some winter wear. I felt it oddly calming and somewhat permanent. I would be here, in the states, with Bella during the winter months.

Though, her demeanor was awfully glacial this morning, Cullen. I cringed at the memory of our stupid argument.

I finished my look with a camel-colored leather jacket along with a pair of boots. Grabbing my wallet, cell phone and car keys, I dashed out of the apartment, driving to the costume shop where I ordered Bella's and my costume, along with Alice and Jasper's order. I smiled when Bella told me to choose our costumes. She had been overwhelmed with work and had told me to choose whatever I wanted for Halloween. So, my pervy self, decided on Princess Leia in the slave costume while I was Han Solo. I was living out my geeky fantasy. Her costume left little the imagination and well, underwear would be non-existent. Easy access.

My sister and Jasper decided to be Neo and Trinity from Matrix. Alice had cut her hair very short and dyed in a darker color. She was ready for a change, supposedly. Obviously, that change was drastic. Alice had always had long brunette hair reaching down to nearly her waist, all her life. So, seeing her with short hair, it will definitely be different.

I picked up the costumes, laying them in the backseat of my car before I sped off to Sea-Tac. I was picking up my sister and Jasper before dropping them off at the Edgewater, where they were staying while they were in Seattle. I had checked them in last night before Bella had gotten home so they could go to the hotel upon arrival. I know from experience that the jetlag from Rio to Seattle was killer! All I wanted to do after I spent the night worshiping my Bella was sleep. Bella, however, had other plans. Not that I was complaining, though. My body was a willing participant and making love to her was sweet. It took me nearly a week to get my body situated to the time change, not to mention recuperate from the marathon weekend of sex. Alice and Jasper were only going to be here for five days before flying back to Isle Esme. So, checking them in yesterday would allow them to sleep the most of the day and get their bodies on Seattle time.

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