Last Fling Before the Ring

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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

Now, we have a few more chapters. The bachelor/bachelorette party, the wedding and epilogue. So, two full chapters and the epi? I decided to NOT write about honeymoon since we all know that they go at it like bunnies. Up next will be the bachelor and bachelorette party, some fun times leading up to the wedding and some Alice kissing ass. It took Edward recognizing similar behaviors when he was shut down. His way was to screw around. Alice pushed people away and made them feel hurt. Also, will Jasper and Alice get back together? Let me know!

Chapter Thirty-Six: Last Fling Before the Ring


All of my wedding guests had arrived and it was the weekend before my wedding. The girls and Paul were all hanging out at the spa, enjoying some much needed girly pampering. The guys and Rob were out golfing at a course on the mainland. Tonight was the bachelor and bachelorette parties. Or as Angela said, the last fling before the ring. Alice and Angela did try to separate the parties again, but with my prior experience in clubs in Rio, I didn't want to risk it. Edward also didn't want me to be hurt before our wedding.

He'd been somewhat crazed since the whole Rhiannon debacle. Hovering over me and giving me extra attention and loving. I didn't blame him, really. That woman was a fucking lunatic, trying to pass off the baby as Edward's and swindle him out of money. I also relished in his sweet kisses and not so innocent taps on my ass, with promises of so much more on our wedding night. This self-imposed celibacy pact was killing me. I understand why Edward wanted it and I wanted it too, but I also wanted him.

Like now.

I wanted reclaim him. Wash away all of the badness from what Rhiannon spewed about that poor baby. Edward was holding firm. At least we slept together each night, making out like horny teenagers.

"So, Bells, do you have your outfit for this evening?" Jessica asked, sitting back down after her fiftieth trip to the bathroom. "It better be slinky and sexy. I'm wearing a muumuu."

"You're not even showing, Jess. You could wear something sexy," Becca giggled as she wriggled her obnoxiously pink toes.

"I don't feel sexy. I feel bloated," Jessica grumbled.

"Well, the dress I got matches my theme of peacocks," I chuckled. "It is sexy but not slinky. The dress is a teal blue with various peacock decorations all over the dress. It could have been pretty ugly, but it looks really good. And it's short. Easy access." I winked at my mom, who blushed and giggled.

"I'm going to check on the reservations and the limo," Alice said, getting up from her spot. "Everyone, be at the marina at five, okay?" Alice turned on her heel and practically ran out of the spa. Esme sighed, following her daughter.

"What's going on?" Paul asked, sitting next to me.

"Alice is having some issues. Do you remember the fire about two months ago?" I replied. Paul nodded. "Her abusive ex-boyfriend set fire to Edward's old villa with his psycho sister and unwilling business partner."

"Alice's ex is also mine," Becca said, wrinkling her nose. "We both got the shit kicked out of us because of James."

"However, you are much more adjusted than Alice," Rose said, arching a brow. "She needs to talk to someone, but is struggling in finding a therapist who gels with her. Alice is very particular and the wrong person will just further cause her to fall into depression. Carlisle has a friend who lives in California. If things don't improve by the time you come back from your honeymoon, Alice is going to stay there. Eleazar and his wife, Carmen, have helped Alice before, but she has this sense of responsibility to stay. She won't talk to me. The only person she really talks to is Edward and he won't say boo."

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