Back to Reality

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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

Up next, the rest of the time on the island, Edward's discussion with Alice about James/Jimmy, wedding plans, flying home, Valentine's day and leading up to their trip to San Francisco. We're also going to have some returning characters (not in a good way, either). It'll be related to the island. Who do you think will be coming back into the picture?

Yeah, that isn't mine.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Back to Reality


I was exhausted but I just could not sleep. I was overjoyed that Bella had said yes. She was my fiancée. We were getting married. Married! I was going to be her husband and she was going to be my wife. We were going to live on the island as a married couple, having babies and living the dream.

She was curled up on the bed, deliciously naked. Her now tanned skin was covered in a sheen of sweat since I'd lowered the air in the cabin of the master suite. Her hair was a mass of curls and her left hand, the one that was wearing my ring, laid on my chest as she gently caressed my skin.

I needed her. I had to make love to her.

She was a siren, calling to me. Her swollen lips demanded to be kissed. Her breasts were there for me to touch and love. Don't even get me started on the perfection that was Bella's pussy. I could feast on her succulent nectar for days. She tasted so sweet.

Unable to control myself, I nuzzled her neck and began kissing every inch of her naked body. Her skin tasted salty and somewhat sweet, but it was all Bella. She hummed as I kissed down her back. My hands were massaging her skin, moving ever closer to her pussy. I could smell that she was getting turned on. Her ass was moving as I continued to taste her body, rocking against the bed. She was putty in my hands, rolling her onto her back with ease. "Edward..." she moaned. I looked up and she was still asleep but now her body was on display for me.

"I love you," I whispered.

"Hmmmm, love you too," she mumbled, burying her nose in my pillow that I didn't sleep on. My mouth suckled on her neck before gliding down to her breasts. Swirling my tongue around her nipples, she moaned louder this time and her legs spread. Her right hand moved to her hip, stopping just above her pussy. Kissing down her lithe, sexy body, I widened her legs to display her dripping wet sex. I pressed opened mouth kisses to her inner thighs. Her arousal called me, demanding that I make her come with my tongue.

Breakfast of fucking champions...

Nuzzling her folds with my nose, I inhaled her scent. It was spicy, musky and earthy. My cock hardened instantly, wanting to dive into her. Taste her, you doofus. With a slow, languid lick, I tasted her pussy. Bella, though still asleep, moaned loudly. The combination of both of us exploded on my tongue and my inner cavemen did a flip, being able to taste our combined flavors from within my fiancée. I had marked her, filling her with everything that I had and even hours later, I could still taste it.


Dragging my tongue through her silken folds, I relished in her flavor and arousal. Bella was slowly rousing, her fingers moved to my hair, tugging on my crazy strands. Licking up to the top of her sex, I looked up at her. Bella was sleepily blinking at me, looking like a sex goddess. "Good morning," I rasped, nipping at the sensitive skin below her belly button.

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