Letters to my Beloved

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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

Yeah, that isn't mine.

I'm handling this chapter a little differently. It's going to be the correspondence between Edward and Bella. Edward's letters will be in italics while Bella's will be bolded.



Clear as mud?

It'll make sense once I start writing, kay?

Chapter Sixteen: Letters to my Beloved

July 4th, 2013

Dear Bella,

It's a little after our debacle with Victoria. You've gone to the resort while I'm waiting for the guys to come and put a board up on my window. You haven't even left yet and my heart is yearning for you, gorgeous girl. I know that this separation is a necessity due to our respective jobs, but it doesn't make it any less sucky.

Yes, I'm a Harvard graduate and I used the word 'sucky.'

My brain cells are currently wrapped up in you, Bella. Everything is wrapped up in you. My brain, my heart, my soul, my life...I never knew what it meant to be in love until I met you. What I felt for Lauren in college was absolutely nothing compared to the feelings for you. It was merely a crush.

You're everything I want in a girlfriend.

A lover.

A friend.

A wife.

A mother to my children.

A grandmother to my grandchildren.

A soul mate.

The reason for my existence...

That's you, Bella. You're the sole reason for my being on this earth. You hold me to the ground, a force that is stronger than gravity. You give my life purpose and meaning.

I wish there was something stronger to describe what I feel for you. 'I love you,' feels wholly inadequate. (That sounded more akin to language that a Harvard grad uses. *snorts*). Suffice it to say, I do love you, Bella. With my whole heart, soul, mind and body. I may have been with a large number of woman, but I can say with certainty, that you will be the last woman I will ever be with.

Even if we don't make it. I can't imagine feeling this way over someone if we *gasp* don't make it.

But, I think we will make it. I know we'll make it. My sister is insistent that we will be. She's going to plan our wedding. Or rather, she's already starting. (Good lord...) She came up to me while we were out shopping yesterday for the fireworks in Rio, asking if we were going to married on the island or in Seattle. I just gave her a look. You know that look: combination shock and annoyance but secretly, I squealing like a fangirl at a Justin Bieber concert. While, I know that I'm going to marry you, Miss Swan, it's a bit too soon to start planning the nuptials.

I'd like to get a ring on your finger first. A ring with a sparkly diamond. Something that would blind anybody. Three carats? Four?

Hell, I'd put a lump of coal on your finger it that's what you wanted, Bella. Anything to make you happy.

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