Some Day My Prince Will Come ... In a White Lab Coat

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Carrots? Has anyone seen any carrots? The plot bunny attacked and well, you all are going to reap the benefits. NEW STORY! I've been writing some pretty heavy stuff lately and well, I'm going to lighten it up a bit. It's not going to be a humorous story (though there will be some funny bits) but it will be romantic. Some drama...some light angst (there needs to be some sort of conflict or it wouldn't be worth reading, kids).

Yeah, that isn't mine.

Up next will be the resolution of this cliffhanger. In my plan, it was going to be in Edward's point of view, but I may switch it up and put it in Bella's. Some answers will be had...just sayin...

Chapter Twenty-Four: Some Day My Prince Will Come...In a White Lab Coat?


Collapsing against her sweaty back, I pressed soft kisses to her spine. We both were breathing heavily, spent from our sexual endeavors against the couch arm. "Damn, Edward," she giggled.

"Edward is unavailable right now. He's had his brains fucked out of him by his sexy, perfect girlfriend," I quipped, kissing behind her ear.

"That would be you fucking my brains out," she laughed as I slipped out of her. Her body erupted in gooseflesh and I scooped her up, wrapping her in a throw blanket as I sat down on a large, cushy chair overlooking the Seattle skyline. "I am so lucky, Edward. I'm thankful for you coming into my life. I love you, baby."

"As I love you, Bella. You are the greatest gift I've ever received and I am never letting you go," I cooed, nuzzling her sex-ravaged hair. Her phone rang from her purse that was still by the door. She squirmed in my arms. "Did you not hear me?" I pouted.

"It's probably my parents, checking to make sure that we got home safely," Bella said, walking naked as the day she was born to the door. She picked up her cell phone. "Hello?" Her look of bliss from our love making quickly disappeared. "Becca? Deep breaths, sweetie. Tell me what happened..."


Becca was sobbing on the other end of the phone call. She sounded shattered and broken. "I've been trying to call you, Bells. However, Jimmy, he would take my phone away," she cried. "It's bad, Bella. So bad! I need help! Please!"

"Okay," I said, cuddling next to Edward. "Where are you? We'll come get you."

"I'm hiding in a gas station near my apartment," she sniffled. "In the bathroom. Jimmy, after he..."

"Did he rape you, Becca?" I asked, becoming enraged.

"No! He just likes to use me as a punching bag," Becca answered quietly. "Anyhow, after he has his rages, he crashes. I grabbed my phone, a coat and my purse, leaving him on the couch. This was the first time I haven't lost consciousness."

"Which gas station?" I asked, hopping up from the couch. I darted into the bedroom and pulled on a pair of yoga pants, one of Edward's sweatshirts and my sneakers.

"Circle K," she replied. "Bells, please hurry! I can't let him find me. If he does, I don't know if I'll..."

"We'll be there," I said as I hung up. Edward was dressed in a pair of jeans and standing shirtless. "The number that kept calling me was Becca."

"I gathered that from your conversation. Is everything okay?" Edward asked.

"No. Jimmy likes to use his fists to prove a point," I snarled. "He's been beating the shit out of her. She's hiding in a gas station near her apartment while Jimmy is sleeping off his rage."

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